“the CDU with a new Boss – will that be enough for a restart?” Under the title Anne had Want to put on the Sunday evening of your shipment, and it was the right question, because no other has been discussed since the end of the Hamburg party conference of the CDU of heated and controversial. In the meantime, namely the journalists and the Spin-Doctoren, political Influencers and the scenes Whisperer have taken up the topic, the results evaluated, and the debate on the two extreme positions is shortened:

Either has the choice Kramp Annegret learn-to-cart-Builder to the new CDU party Chairman in the course of moderation and rationality, confirmation, and AKK’s art will be to give the conservative and liberal wings appropriate influence to prevent a split in the party.

Or the narrow victory Kramp cart Builder, with the distance considered, a defeat, because the followers of Friedrich Merz and Jens Spahns are now doing everything to turn the course of the CDU to the market-liberal and value-conservative whom, and the position of the Chancellor – on-demand, so Angela Merkel’s, so to undermine that which makes rather more rapidly than your self hoped and the field-free?

Anne Will has in addition to the ACC, which had just announced that it will offer the Chancellor already Paroli, if it was in the interest of the party, Martin Schulz placed the short-term hope of the SPD, which failed as a candidate for Chancellor and in a last act of desperation to the Federal Foreign office wanted to save – which honored him and his party to the right.

Then, Wolfgang Kubicki, Deputy FDP Chairman from Schleswig-Holstein was there, where a Jamaica-coalition smoothly, because without the wind maker works. And two journalists: Christiane Hoffmann from the “mirror”, a sober Realist, and Gabor Steingart, in his “Morning briefing” from his ardent enthusiasm for Friedrich Merz, a beautiful openness no forwarding day a secret.

warning-stab in the back sahabet giriş legends

Now we know why the ACC has the Potential to be a leader of tomorrow, and why the great time of the politician Martin Schulz is over, because the depth of Resignation about his defeat in the election, and everything that came after that, shapes the former social democratic hopefuls to be seen today. He had been raised, with 100 percent of his party on the sign, now wishes to Kramp-Karrenbauer, the loyalty of all those who have not been chosen. The Christian Democrat, can not fall, even if all of the Merz and Spahn – trailer would sharpen against the knife, as deep as the former bearer of hope for the SPD after the election defeat. In the Wear of the leadership potential not a party to unforgiving than the SPD.

Wolfgang Kubicki, Deputy FDP Chairman, announced this evening the role of the old lion, do not know whether it is the right place to fight, or whether he did not better his fatigue. AKK was very awake, when you are passionate and yet clear as glass Gabor Steingart, the reported Merz-party-goers, as the Textbook told what it means to lead a coal and steel country, such as the Saar out of a deep economic crisis.

fully awake, the mirror editor Christiane Hoffmann, who gave the new CDU-Head the warning on the way, you may be at a disadvantage from the CDU party Congress pay attention, because the already stab in the back legends prepared-when in fact, Merz was a bad speech failed, while AKK of a very good benefit to have.

Where there is Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer critically could be, it was also clear that, although it was only a side-issue. This is dealing with the paragraph 219a of the criminal code, and the question of whether it is Doctors is banned, the fact that they perform abortions. AKK expressed here are recognizable to a formulation, from which one could see would be that it is the relevance of the discussion deliberately. You will need to understand that this could become a possible point of failure of the current coalition.

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Total: AKK, the School must get the champion in the handle, and yourself to decide where you want to lead the Union. So clearly this was not on Sunday evening. She wants to lead, but. How it works with the “can”, we will see.