It feels like stepping into an ill-furnished dollhouses: the floor of the exhibition space is covered with a pink carpeted floor and at the check stands, a giant tv screen. Is turned away, and with the sound at the highest volume it creates, of course, curiosity.

What’s unfolding on the other side of the screen in Jordan Wolfson, ”the Riverboat song”, which takes shape as a turbocollage of material from the internet, social media, advertising. It is violent, and the right of goofy. The film’s Huckleberry Finn-like protagonist time to under eight minutes to be dismembered, dancing sexy in morsans pumps and with happy my sip in their own pissfontän.

a Still image from ”the Riverboat song” Photo: Jordan Wolfson

for a navel-gazing and sadistic narcissism that out of the best Paul McCarthy-works, but with the McCartys emblematic (poop)sausages, ketchup and burgers replaced by interneterans standard forms: mashups, memes, Youtube clips, and animated figures.

In several previous works have Wolfson allowed their characters are manifested physically in the exhibition space. As in ”Colored Sculpture”, where a doll hanging in chains was knocked to the ground in a mechanized våldsmaskin. Or his animatronic works of the ”Female figure”, with a spookyrobot that danced seductively in front of a mirror and aggressively sought eye contact with the approaching.

This is the only screen that takes the physical shape, perhaps as a monument to a time when you thought that it was a clear boundary between the digital and physical world.

a Still image from ”the Riverboat song” Photo: Jordan Wolfson

cinematic flow from which skitbildflöde is the well-elaborated details. Fine, animated rats with impish glance bolmar in a flygplanskupé while the non-animated the other passengers did not notice anything.

”the Riverboat song” is a very spaced response to a contemporary cultural logic and balances between to be the right unpleasant and slap stick-like. The third time I see the movie has the discomfort subsided and I hum along when Dylan sings, ”nobody feels any pain”.

I’m trying to muster enthusiasm over all of this, but have to say that it most leaves me with an ”oh well?”.