“As many vulnerable despite efforts”

“the Number of vulnerable EU citizens in Sweden is as large today as it was three years ago, writes SVT. It is about 4 500 to 5 000 people, show new figures from the national coordinator.”

“first and foremost, they come from Romania and in the other hand Bulgaria,” says Claes Ling-Vannerus, national coordinator for vulnerable EU citizens, in Sweden, to SVT.”

“Several of the most vulnerable EU citizens begging to get into the money and the government has long wanted to do something about the issue in order to reduce beggary and the tiggandes vulnerability.”

“But in spite of several efforts from the government, that the appointment of a national coordinator and a cooperation agreement with Romania and Bulgaria aimed at poor citizens will get help in their home countries, the number of vulnerable EU citizens has not changed.”

“A group that instead has increased, they are working under poor conditions, including in the cleaning and construction industry, according to the national coordinator.”

” My conclusion is that it is very attractive to come to Sweden with the life we live here. And with the freedom of movement it is difficult to stop, ” says Claes Ling-Vannerus.”