In the spring, an elderly man loses at the flea market in Winterthur’s old town, a plastic bag. Therein: 16’500 Swiss Francs. The money had been withdrawn from the Senior a short time before from the Bank to buy a car. An asylum seeker from Eritrea finds the plastic bag and brings it to the Fund office. Soon the owner logs on. In addition to the reward he gives to the young man even 500 francs. This story Michael Loetscher, Director of the Winterthur Fund offices told. “We were all flabbergasted,” he recalls. The Eritreans have said, it was normal to help. “That was our Highlight this year.”

Almost every month, the honest Finder can bring in bulk or minimally packaged money in the Fund offices. Most of the time it is to amounts of twenty to several Hundred francs, less often four-digit amounts. A survey at the Fund offices in several Swiss cities. In Winterthur have been issued certificates since the beginning of the year 28 times lots of money. Finds of purses or backpacks with cash are recorded separately. 36 times the Fund has received the office of the city of Bern, in the year 2018, the loose banknotes, the one for the Canton of Basel-city 65 times. The officers of the Fund offices Biel received this year, ten times of loose money in notes and 110 purse with cash. 2000 “containers with found money” received by the Verkehrsbetriebe Zürich (VBZ). The SBB lead the largest Fund office of the Swiss, on submitted or collected items, but do not provide any information.

“In March, a teenager brought a whopping 7000 francs to the Fund office,” says Alice Späh, a spokeswoman for the Berne safety Directorate. Recently I reported to the owner. In August, the Lucerne police said that a 38-year-old man in Ebikon on the roadside, I found a wallet with Swiss francs, euros, and Croatian and Bosnian-Herzegovina and African money, with a total value of 17’000 Swiss francs.

Two out of three purses end up in your own pocket

Several spectacular discoveries made in recent years, country-wide attention: A 49-year-old Dutchman discovered 28’000 Euro in a sunglasses case, which was in Zurich in a pile of snow. A worker met with the renovation of an apartment on the 50’000 Swiss francs in cash. And then the tram there was a chauffeur of the Basler Verkehrsbetriebe, was able to ensure at the last stop, a forgotten bag of 144’were 000 francs. Thanks to the honest Finder, all owners were given back their money. To do this, you had to specify where they had lost the money, what the notes were, and a few more Details.

“Since we don’t know how much money is lost at all, not can we classify, whether that is a lot of cash that is brought to the lost and found office.”Alice Späh

Who finds more than ten francs, is obliged by law to bring the money to the Fund office or to the police. Scouts a “reasonable finder’s reward”. In General, this means ten percent of the value. If the owner, within five years, reports the Finder have a claim to the money.

testers of the magazine “Reader’s Digest” were in Zurich, and 15 other cities around the world intentionally, wallets with cash in Parks, shopping centres and on pavements. Result: Four out of twelve wallets were handed in to the Zurich Fund offices. The Swiss city cuts off bad, she ends up in the last third of this “honesty Rating” – is significantly behind cities such as Mumbai, New York or Moscow.

“Because we don’t know how much money is lost at all, not can we classify, whether that is a lot of cash that is brought to the lost and found office,” says Alice Späh from Bern. Often a purse would be blank to you, says Michael Loetscher from the lost property office in Winterthur. “Still never ceases to amaze me how many honest people there are, the even lots of money seem to bring to us.” In his experience, it is often poorer people who make cash in the Fund office.

(Sunday newspaper)

Created: 22.12.2018, 21:44 Uhr