The bag of fried crickets hardly has a cost of 1 franc, at the time, at a market in Mexico. The Snack Overcoming big was cheap, The thorny, the smooth abdomen of the salted animals were felt on the tongue. It cracked at the first bite. But cricket for cricket the threshold, the mundeten animals decreased. Nutty, salty, greasy, delightfully disgusting – you can eat. And finally, insects are considered to be reason-the Food of the future that could help the diet of the world population.
But most of the people deny the consumption. How they justify this attitude and what motivates you to sample insects, have studied the psychologists Paul Rozin and Matthew Ruby, in their publication “Food Quality and Preference”. A little knowledge beforehand and that is Who likes to eat Sushi, tried more times by insects.
environmental footprint
Around 2000 edible insect species are known, write Rozin and Ruby. This is a delicious Reptile Buffet, according to estimates by the world food organization (FAO), currently about 1 billion people also occasionally eat. The animals contain a valuable Protein and consume at the breeding far fewer resources than cattle, pigs or chickens. Crickets, ants, flies and co. could help the inhabitants in developing countries are well supplied and oversupplied citizens, the prosperity of Nations, reduce their ecological footprint.
But when it comes to food, are family members – regardless of culture – sensitive and maintain their own dislikes and preferences. About Ruby from the Australian La Trobe University and Rozin from the University of Pennsylvania wanted to know more and studied the different attitudes regarding insect consumption in the United States and in India. The Americans showed themselves to be significantly more open: 16 percent of them had already eaten insects. Among the interviewed Indians there were, however, only 4 per cent. 82 percent of Americans were willing to try such animals a little better as an ingredient (such as, for example, flour made of crickets).
In women are dieVorbehalte bigger
The respondents Indians were more sceptical: Only 34 percent were willing to cost insects. Although the Numbers are somewhat contradictory: 48 percent of the Indians, saying at the same time, it would cost the courts, the whole insect. One way or the other: In India, the reservations seem more to be than in the USA.
In both countries can imagine men more likely than women to eat creepy-crawlies. This aspect have shown other studies in the past also, men seem, as regards the insects are eating, and to have fewer inhibitions.
Not to everyone’s taste: flour worms. Photo: Anthony Anex (Keystone)
disgust feelings in the US, the largest obstacle to store whole or processed insects to the plate, reports Ruby, and Rozin. And here is the Sushi aspect comes into play. As this Japanese dish was in the US, would have disgusted many in front of it to eat raw fish. “But people overcome disgust by habituation,” say Ruby, and Rozin, “therefore the world also eaten many of the dishes quite sickening aspects: Sushi, stinky cheeses, fermented fish sauces and of course insects.”
disgust insects could also be due to the Form of the preparation, the psychologists.
Who takes a liking to raw fish, thus lowering generally his inhibitions in front of the unknown, of animal products. This context, the researchers found in two samples – in India and the United States.
cow vs Fly: The ethical Dimension
disgust insects products could also be due to the Form of the preparation, the psychologists. Flours made from maggots or crickets baked goods can be. First, such flours taste supposedly quite mild, and secondly, it’ll help to get used to insects as food, argue Ruby and Rozin.
The respondents are Indians placed particular emphasis on rational reasons that speak for the human consumption of insects. For one, the already mentioned lower consumption of resources plays a role. On the other, is also an ethical Dimension: Many people find it easier to take the death of a beetle, a Fly or other crawling animal than the slaughter of a pig, a cow or other mammals.
For environmentally motivated vegetarians, crickets and other insects could be a acceptable substitute for meat, so the psychologists. At the same time, a question to throw this but: Can feel insect pain? If so, this would multiply animal suffering. For the same amount of Protein not equal more insects would have to die, than for example cattle. It remains complicated, as it often does when eating.
(editing Tamedia)
Created: 15.03.2019, 19:08 PM