“Back off, not if the tax is Magdalena Andersson”

“Annie Lööf need the Socialists”

“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”

“Between 1995 and 2016, the average property income by 500%. Nothing on that the development would be on the way to turn. After last year’s big on the stockholm stock exchange to distribute 269 billion to its owners. It is, of course, a record.”

“the Few getting richer and richer.”

“A larger share of capital income accruing to also – in Sweden as well as in the world – an increasingly smaller group of the super-rich.”

“– To deal with it is central to combat the income gap, said Magdalena Andersson when she read the report.”

“she should apparently not have said, in all cases not in the current political climate.”

“Annie Lööf took in all of the cases, the first best opportunity to explain that it is not going to be a new wealth tax, and certainly no inheritance tax. According to Lööf, received social democrats and with the delete a row if the gain in the negotiations on the januariavtalet.”

“Centerledaren want to see.”

“Let us say so here – it will be difficult if you are not even allowed to talk about wealth or capital taxes. And without a transfer of wealth that goes to defend the will Stefan Löfvens government to get the really big problem.”

“Magdalena Andersson and Stefan Löfven need Annie Lööf. It is not possible to wave away this winter regeringskaos. But Lööf actually need also the social democrats. Without them she would be prisgiven to Ebba Busch Thor and Jimmie Åkesson.”

“and When it is time to begin to negotiate the tax reform januariavtalet promises can Magdalena Andersson does not fold down. It must point towards a fairer and more solidarity-based financing of welfare and everything else the tax revenues shall be sufficient.”

“If Annie Lööf really want to ask to a political crisis in order to defend miljardärernas low taxes, it is actually her problem. “