“Bet on the school – stop engage in populism,”

“Jiang Millington in reply to Roger Haddad on skolpolitiken”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“REPLICA. The liberal educational spokesperson Roger Haddad takes to the big sledgehammer in the Aftonbladet debate 14u002F3 2019. Instead of questioning whether the policies that they have to impose on the school certainly provided the results they desired, they want to do more of the same thing. Much more.”

“2011 was a new curriculum and a new grading system signed Jan Björklund. There was a historic change of direction of the school as an institution. Away thrown bildningsmålen and instead introduced the prerequisites. “

“in other words: the way to knowledge is uninteresting, the goal is everything. Orderliness was the watchword, and the repressive measures sanctioned in a completely new chapter in the education Act, chapter 5. “

“at the same time, all pupils are included and intermingled in the same classroom, including students with severe autism and adhd, for example.”

“How are the teachers and the students in the new school? Maybe not always great. The unrest and the polarization increases when the focus is on the requirement, duty, and punishment instead of relationship building, curiosity and joy in learning. “

“the Learner is expected to adapt and when it is not possible is bestraffningsskalan measured out in the education Act. Students and parents, on their side, invited themselves to assure the quality of education by reporting irregularities to the schools Inspectorate and the Child and school student representative. “

“We have created a system that is based on control, watched by vested interests and repressive consequences for those that do not fit. Or fit in. It creates very bad conditions for dialogue and cooperation.”

“We now have a basic national education, which produces the alienation of the children. Hemmasittarna is increasing and tens of thousands of 16-year-olds to stop school without a secondary power. It is unethical, despicable and outrageous. “

“instead of screaming for yet more of it that does not work, expose those who are exposed to even more guilt, needed the sans in the debate. “

“Skolkommissionen did a solid and professional work and in their final report, there are in-depth knowledge and sharp proposals on how the school can be made more equal and more functional.”

“nJiang Millington, Skoldebattör and a group leader of Miljöpartiet de gröna in.”

“n Join in the debate and comment on the artikelnn – like Aftonbladet Debate on Facebook.”

“the Article is a replica. Read the full the debate here – ”