“Bianca Ingrosso roar away after bildanklagelserna”

“”Now it’ll really take, and the last””

“Several people accusing Bianca Ingrosso in order to have retuscherat a picture to look slimmer. “

“It has been influencern to speak up. “

“‘ do you Know how frustrating it is to be a total innocent in something and get a huge amount of crap,” she writes on her Instagram. “

“Bianca Ingrosso has received harsh criticism for a instagrambild as she loaded up two days ago. In the picture she poses in a white tank top and black pants, and in the background there is a seemingly kroknande rod that caused many to speculate if influencern edited the image to look slimmer. “

“, ”When you are amateur on that photoshoppa pictures… you look at the arm. Put it down with that stuff instead!!!!!! You already have nice body”, said a follower. “

“”the Pole when your arm is completely skewed and crooked,” writes another. “

“Bianca: ”Now I stop””

“But Bianca Ingrosso rejects any speculation that she would have retuscherat the image. On several occasions, she responded to the criticism on his instagramstory and it is clear that she is tired of the accusations. “

“”you Know what now I stop! Now it’ll really take and enough! I have never photoshoppat my pictures to look slimmer. Point! So I do not want to see a single person tag me in a post if I’m a bad role model again! Do you know how frustrating it is to be a total innocent in something and get a huge amount of shit and hate for something you have not even done as people claim,” she writes.”

“Together with Philippe Cohen”

“But even if it right now is intense mood on social media, so much the better in privacy. For just over two weeks ago, Bianca Ingrosso that she and Philippe Cohen are together again. Then, they had been singles in four months. “

“In the pod ”Alice & Bianca – Have you said A you may say B” she told me that they met each other in almost a month, but that she was unsure when she would go out with it. “

“I know that there will be so many comments and I don’t want my lyckobubbla shall be destroyed or that I must be confused yourself over the opinions of others,” she says in the pod. “

“Nöjesbladet looking for Bianca Ingrosso. “