the Call is the new black. Library invite the nazis for the call. Folkbildningsaktörer start Sverigepratar.see, a ”platform for true political talks” which are linked together and chatting with an anonymous opponents. Poddaren Navid Modiri meets a högerextrem propagandist in a conversation in which he almost sings ”Kumbaya” with his guest.

at the same time initiates the Swedish newspaper svenska Dagbladet and kulturchefen Lisa Irenius a series under the motto that ”we all need to get a greater understanding of people, whether you like it or not, plays a role in the polarized debate – what drives them and how their worldview looks like.” The latest in this series is the author Katerina Janouch.

to point out this: it is always the most controversial as it should be spoken with. Currently, everyone seems more or less run in packs and chase ”talk” with the most extreme parties.

It is problematic on several points. First, it is short of historic. Conversation is a foundation of human interaction, even with oliksinnade. In order to change something, you have to want to understand and curiously move closer to each other. It is even the core of the formation is about.

People take small steps in that direction every day, all year: on the bus, at work, at the library, at preschool, at the grocery store and in the thousands of associations in which people, often with completely different views, come together and solve a common task. Waving pointers or centralstyra this nice scenes where ”conversations” take place in front of an audience is simply superfluous. These conversations are already happening.

the internet unlimited opportunities to take part in all sorts of opinions. Now, if it is the controversial opinions we should first and foremost listen to they should come with the reminder that they are visible on the internet around the clock. There are voices who are happy to be picked up by the traditional media and the allocated editorial space because propagandasamtalen provides many page views.

The public discourse is dominated already by polarizing voices. Absolutely beyond all proportions. In addition, the master often all the tricks to reach out on the network, which makes them seem more than they are. The journalistic mission in relation to this should rather consist in anything other than free exposure.

Calls are not in the theatre. Calls is the desire to meet and listen. People’s social interactions in dialogical format has driven the development and built communities for centuries. There is no innovation which should only be carried out by the thrumming facilitators.

if the basis of a narcissistic impetus, and with the pod as a tool to use the internet’s most vocal comments to rake in the cash and love. It is still a testament to how vital the Swedish freedom of speech is.

at the same time, there must be a vigilance about how these cries for more calls often constitute a cleverly camouflaged typical anti-democratic movement. It is simply a straight line between the shouts of more calls – including the thesis of that we don’t even talk to each other anymore – and elitföraktet, åsiktskorridorerna and the alleged lack of freedom of expression in Sweden.

This ongoing right-wing clothes dryer are already creating impact on the community, which is absolutely devastating. Not least because the destructive forces in the public sphere is often undisturbed, may act as locomotives for change in society at the same time as the present, both normalizes and gives the extreme ideology distribution.

after that get to be a part of the mysrum and elitarenor they now find themselves in. Votes are completely prepared for whatever the arena may bring their propagandasamtal.

Therefore, it is particularly worrying when and adult education – the adult educational associations and folk high schools in the project Sverigepratar – using the same rhetoric as the allegedly silenced and making his way to the declinists to get the appropriations.

on the Contrary, we should seek the trust is in everyday conversation, it is necessary that we should resolve it here. Not the constant strengthening of the most extreme and hostile votes.

the Brit Stakston is a writer, lecturer, mediestrateg and ceo of reportagesajten Blank spot project.