“Bruno Holmdahl sentenced to 18 years in prison for murder”
“the Perpetrators assaulted the victim and shot him with the rifle when they put him in a car.”
“In the day the verdict was handed down for the high-profile murder in Moholm north of Skövde.”
“The accused principal Bruno Holmdahl, 49, was sentenced to 18 years in prison.”
“The 44-year-old man was taken in his home by the accused perpetrators. “
“When his dog came back home alone did the girlfriend something and gets restless and reported the man missing. He was suspected to be kidnapped. But four days later found his body dumped at a gödselbrunn. “
“It was then also an investigation of the murder.”
“One of the co-defendants later told me in interviews how he was forced to drag out the body from the car. But he could barely with it, much less lift it over the edge into the well.”
“At the reconstruction showed the co-defendants 46-year-old how everything had gone to and he told me that he also feared for his own life:”
” I didn’t know if he would shoot me, or what he would do. He was absolutely crazy, it felt like. “
“today announced Skarborgs district court judgment.”
“the Principal Bruno Holmdahl, 49, will be sentenced against his denial to 18 years in prison for murder, aggravated assault, ill-treatment, and grossly vapenbrott.”
“The 46-year-old man, who was a co-defendant, sentenced to imprisonment six years and six months.”
“Holmdahl occur during the 13th section of the judicial record. Among others, he has been convicted for attempt to murder, assault and drug offences.”
“most Recently, he was sentenced in april 2018 to prison for a year and seven months. He started to execute the punishment on July 9, four days after the murder.”
“the district Court writes in the judgment that the sanctions in relation to the new offences is so high that nothing less than imprisonment may be appropriate:
“”He is convicted for, among other things.a. murder. For such an offence is sentenced to imprisonment for not less than ten years and not more than eighteen years of age or if the circumstances are aggravating at times. The circumstances of the current case is not so aggravating, to imprisonment for life.””
“Investigators have not been able to find any clear motives for the murder.”