“Busch Thor, approaching the brazen”

“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”

“KD leads Trump-the right-wing in Sweden. They fill a political vacuum. The left is devoid of good response to the strategy.”

“Now called the ”brunmålning” to call attention to the sweden democrats’ nazi roots and racist policies. The party has a discount card in the SVT Agenda and their issues dominate all the major debates. SD has become a ”normal” party.”

“at the same time know the voters that the picture is actually lying, and they remember heilande skinheads and reading almost daily about SD’s new scandals. They know that the SD is no ordinary party and can not be treated as a normal party.”

“Nonetheless, many experienced that they have no choice because they do not feel represented by the mainstream parties. When KD now takes up the same issues that Jimmie Åkesson but without his political baggage, they fill an important vacuum. Many voters have lacked a straight right.”

“Then Ebba Busch Thor took over the Christian democrats, the party has gone like a rocket. In today’s Aftonbladetu002FInizio is at 12.1, which is a doubling from the results of the election. In the same measurement slopes also Moderates and Sverigedemokrater, and Ulf Kristerssons part of the picture is a dismal with only 16.5 per cent.”

“Conservative cannibalism”

“Opinionsutvecklingen sharpens the competition for voters between the parties in the ”conservative block” and if it continues, we can see how the parties are becoming increasingly more food.”

“Actually, the situation is not particularly surprising. Ebba Busch Thor is the in right that both rhetorically and politically managed to the best with keeping up with where the conservative voters will go. Ulf Kristersson would blow up his own party if he tried the same trip and Jimmie Åkesson increasingly starts to feel like yesterday’s news.”

“But as the Christian democratic party gets bigger and pulls against the outer edge also increases the distance to the political center and the Alliance is in practice impossible to restore. It is good news also for Stefan Löfven.”

“Drills a little in the strategic choices have Ebba Busch Thor captured one of the most powerful political trends right now: Trumpismen.”

“It may on the surface seem just a populist and almost shameless, but also answer a deep-seated feeling among many people to no longer be seen by the ”establishment”. It is a right-wing extremist who sees the world from below, from people who don’t want their world to change. Who are worried about what feminism, immigration, islam, and begging will do with their everyday lives and their place in society.”

“Donald Trump and Brexit-the vote showed was that these people are a slumbering giant that the modern left has very difficult to reach with their current representatives, its storstadsperspektiv and its policies.”

“the christian democrat’s rise is far from the end of the year.”