“Busch Thor – you have to act against Adaktusson”

“L-politician: KD could not remain silent following the meeting with oppose abortion and the ultra-conservative”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. The christian democrat Lars Adaktussons participation in the international conference Political Network for Values in Colombia for christian leaders is anything but compatible with a good example of a Swedish senior politicians. “

“The total silence around his actions from leading christian democrat politicians is not only alarming, but perhaps even more remarkable.”

“the Conference, which Adaktusson attended and spoke at consists of an international network of american högerkristna, oppose abortion, and ultra-conservative politicians whose chairman, among others have paid homage to fascism. “

“the Same network believes that Sweden and many other EU countries is a threat to their values, then we have introduced a gender-neutral marriage law and allow same-sex couple to be tried as adoptanter. In addition, it is not the first time the christian democrats participate in similar conferences. “

“Let us begin with an international perspective. If we raise our eyes from the Swedish horizon, we see major challenges, both in a european and in a global perspective. “

“In seventy countries is same-sex love a crime. In an even larger number of countries can persons whose gender identity does not comply with the of the environment the baseline and expected not to live a life with full rights. In countries where the oppression is, who are the most at risk people in prison, the whipping or the death penalty, only that they are who they are. “

“Now, by a new law in Brunei made it possible to stone homosexuals and infidels to death. In addition, is carried out each year, 22 million unsafe, illegal and unsafe abortions in the world. Nearly 50 000 of them leads to the death of the woman. Not to forget child marriages, forced marriages and the genital mutilation of girls.”

“There are many opposed to our liberal society. The network, which arranged the conference brings together the högerkristna groups and opinion leaders to influence issues such as abortion and gay situation. “

“Adaktusson said in a comment to the newspaper on the Day that he has not perceived any any incitement to hatred but that some participants have extreme views. He also says that he very well would be able to participate in a conference before the communist leaders, and that it is a bit of the price you will pay if you take part in international conferences. “

“But what signals sends Adaktusson and are these values something the Christian democrats stand for? “

“Swedish senior politicians attend and speak for the network that glorifies abortmotstånd and deny homosexuals their rights is not only alarming but it is also a threat to the important work that Sweden is doing. “

“Adaktusson said in addition to the latest weekly reports is a ”brunsmetning” of him and his party. If the requirement to take a stand for the equal value of all people, for aborträtten and gay rights is the so-called ”brunsmetning” so we set us wondering as to what demands we can place on the Swedish senior politicians? “

“it is Not enough that his participation reinforces the network’s position, his participation is legitimizing their views. Therefore, it is noteworthy that Adaktusson defends his participation and that no christian democratic representatives, with the strongest take away from this in public.”

“It is not the first time politicians participated in the connection, we can be highly critical of. Two examples of when short run is when minister Ann Linde (S) bar a veil in Iran, and when the former housing minister Mehmet Kaplan (MP) to eat dinner with far-right Grey Wolves. “

“It’s not at least on bad example, to legitimize extreme views, the absence of a clear statement of the individual’s fundamental democratic freedoms and rights, and what signals we, as politicians, send.”

“The more the outside world tries to restrict people’s freedom, with greater force, we must act. Sweden has a great responsibility to continue the work, for example, aborträttigheter, lgbtq people’s human rights and support the brave lgbt rättighetskämpar the world over. “

“the christian democrat party leader Ebba Busch Thor must therefore react and act on Lars Adaktussons participation. KD must decide what stance they want to his actions. “

“So in the best of intentions, Ebba Busch Thor, in this case is remain silent and silver, and to talk gold.”

“nArman Teimouri, mp (L)nJuno Blom, member of parliament (L)”

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