snatched the Stick from the pants bag. Once again, pull on it until the light shines bright and it is pleasant to crack. The steam inhale. Exhale. Before this Gadget, which resembles a surprisingly elegant intersection of USB-Stick, and pregnancy test, is re-attached to the electric drip. Enough battery in the Smartphone-the presence of everything. So you can give the nicotine kick is micro-dosed again, and again, and it was only on the way between the kitchen and the toilet in the morning. And on the way to continue vaping. To be more precise: weiterjuulen.

For two weeks, you can buy this gadget-like seduction in Switzerland. Juul means to you, and is being touted as an “Alternative for adult smokers”. It is the E-cigarette, in front of the teachers and parents tremble in equal measure.

Before Juul 2015 was launched in the United States was the nicotine addiction among young people as well as eradicated. Who want to show because of tobacco Smoking in the former Land of the Marlboro man, where cigarette Smoking today is almost an original sin, especially in big cities like New York? But then the “iPhone of E-cigarettes” from San Francisco came on the market, and you can almost say, that since then, a new youth movement has grown up.

Juulen is the name of the activity, which made the nicotine consumption in the USA is cool again. The Verb has been adopted in the vocabulary of many is a matter of course as googling. Because you can be anywhere juulen: in the classroom, when the teacher looks away quickly. In the library, between the books. Alone in the bed. Even in Sex. By dragging instead of scroll through. Or best of all both together. You only need to use the Hashtag #Juuling in the case of Instagram to enter, to see where and when and how you can juulen. Because of a Juul-Stick in the mouth looks semi-smart, it is funny, fits the E-cigarette also well in the age of Social Media. Juulen is plenty of material for Memes and funny images, which will then be sent to services like Snapchat with ironic sayings stamped on.

The children-Problem

This is exactly the point that alarmed many Addiction professionals in Switzerland. The USB-cigarette as an extension of the conventional market. As a strategy to attract young people to the drug. Nicotine remains nicotine – even if the Juulen the rest of the poisons are missing that would otherwise be co-incinerated in cigarettes.

“are the target audience of the sector, children and young people, so it has always been,” said Thomas Beutler, research associate, tobacco prevention, Switzerland. “60 percent of today’s smokers started by 18 years of age or earlier. Because they were as a young impressionable than later, because the smoke gave a certain Image, for detachment, for identity. That’s why you have to look at products such as Juul very carefully.”

Jonathan Green, Juul-chief of Switzerland and non-Smoking, said in various Interviews at the start of sales, that you “take very much”, so that the product is not in the hands of Minors, access, and referred to his advertising, in the front of all Models from 30 years to occur. Kevin Suter, a spokesman for the cigarette multinationals, Japan Tobacco International (most famous brands, Camel and Winston), defends himself against the accusation that you have it apart with the new E-cigarettes to children and young people. It had been yourself that had decided in the summer at a round table with representatives of the Federal government to ban the sale of E-cigarettes to minors and a law to fill the gap for the time being. The new tobacco products act, adopted by the Federal Council, at the earliest, occur in 2022. In this law, the E-products are set to traditional cigarettes, same, today, the regulation of the Canton to Canton is different.

“Juulen” nicotine in the USA is cool again. This happens now with us?

What with the new products is happening – it is difficult to foresee. Kiosk operator Valora reports on demand (without mentioning Numbers), that the Juul-sales since the beginning of December, were “very positive”. “We have noticed a steady increase in the demand. This also applies to E-Smoke products, but they are still niche products.”

There are already some messages from different schools, where “gejuult” will, says Thomas Beutler of the tobacco prevention in Switzerland, but that had only single cases. The product was three times weaker than in the United States. In America, 59 milligrams of nicotine can be vaporized per Milliliter of fluid, in Europe (and Switzerland) only 20 milligrams of. And even if there was to be a Hype as in the US, the ratio between normal cigarettes and E-Cigs very clear. In the USA, Juul dominates the E-cigarette market, generated last year a turnover of around 5.5 billion dollars. With normal cigarettes were implemented in the same period to 120 billion dollars. “The normal cigarette Juul will not supplant – as well as the other E-cigarettes the says Beutler did,”.

Suddenly, of course,

The Addiction is stronger than the spirit of the age. And that is the Insidious thing about this Stick: anyone Who surrenders to the Juulen, doesn’t feel like an addict. Rather, it says: Addicted to the other. And that can’t hurt anyway. Because the steam does not scratch. Because everything seems so virtual, so it’s in our cloud-based company fits in. Because no traces remain (initially), no Tabaksiff in the pants bags, not yellow and smelly fingers, no tar in the lungs.

on the Morning after the nicotine abgewöhnte who wanted to try out of interest in the Juulen realizes that he has consumed a substance, with a slightly heavy head from behind and wants to have again soon. Because Uncomfortable is different.

It behaves in Juul, Yes, also a little as with the CBD hemp cigarettes to buy in Switzerland for over a year. Young Bohemians Smoking is those of the brand “homeland”, because you could not think so seriously, they say cheerful smugly, while you have a smoke and a slight intoxication. Especially since you can feel also sophisticated and perform, because this is not a desolate Trash.

There are, rather, products that provide plenty of stimuli, years of non-Smoking in occasional smokers change back. At the very least. Because it is amazing how quickly the actually, Ridiculous is a matter of course. The of wireless the iPhone Headphones, on the launch of so many made fun of and are today an indispensable part of daily life. Or coffee capsules: How stupid is it, really? But, this is an “gäbig”. One click, no Gesiff, a Kick.

Before the battery is empty, the flavors by taste. After all, the “Starter Kit” contains four so-called Juulpods with different flavors: “Golden Tobacco”: reminiscent of the pipe-Smoking grandfather, Andes seems to be a bit stale. “Mint”? Replaced the gum for the cigarette. “Royal Cream”? Tempting, slightly sweet, could be the taste, if you days because after the test, but when Juuling would hang. But “Mango”? Because an evil will. Fortunately.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 17.12.2018, 18:45 PM