“The game of the government”

“C and L to drop forward Kristersson”

“Björklund: ”Have to call in the partirådet””

“Moderatledaren Ulf Kristersson can get a new chance to be tested as prime minister – since the Leaves have fallen.”

“the Liberals may reconsider its previous no.”

“– It requires that our partiråd approves it, says party leader Jan Björklund.”

“the Centre party and the Liberals have now voted no in both statsministeromröstningarna. First pressed to red for alliansledaren Ulf Kristersson (M), and in the day-to-Stefan Löfven (S).”

“According to Aftonbladet’s sources increases the internal pressure within the C and L that a second vote on the Kristersson now to replace the foot – and release M leader. “

“On the question of what is required for that the Liberals should be able to release Ulf Kristersson in a possible re-vote answers Jan Björklund:”

“– It requires that our partiråd approves it. “

“Jan Björklund has always said that he would like to see a blocköverskridande cooperation, with the S or MP, in order to keep the SD without the influence. He therefore regrets that the negotiations between the S, MP, C and L have not led to any results.”

“It had been good for Sweden, with a stable and energetic government which excludes the SD and V from any crucial political influence in Sweden,” he says.”

“– Many liberals who got to see the contents of the settlement was very pleased with the political progress we had made. But other parties can, of course, be less happy, it has different political priorities.”

“The centre party leader Annie Lööf in turn fixed to her party, can say yes in a statsministeromröstning only when a wide blocköverskridande options are on the table. “

“What is required for you to be able to release Kristersson?”

“– Our proposal is still on the table and they are about the broad blocköverskridande solutions, where the Alliance can hold together. We voted no to the Ulf Kristersson the last time the Centre party can neither imagine to sit in a government or be in budgetsamverkan with a government that requires Only the active support, ” says Lööf. “

” We do not want to participate in such a constellation, such cooperation, which will be dependent on the SD. “

“does it matter that Mu002FKD got through his budget?”

” No, I think it is completely different processes.”

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