“Cannabisprofessor to tackle the opioidkrisen”

“Can cannabis be the way out of the opioidkris, which has claimed more than thousand lives in Canada so far this year?”

“I hope The province of British Columbia and the country’s largest cannabisföretag who put millions on research on how cannabis can help opioidberoende to get out of their addiction.”

“Just as the neighboring country of USA wrestling Canada, with a comprehensive opioidkris – which has claimed thousands of lives in recent years. In Canada think the authorities wide in the attempts to reduce the number of fatal overdoses among drug users. Among other things, has previously said that it wants to try to distribute hydromorfontabletter – a prescription smärtstillare which is sometimes used to break the abuse of other, more powerful opiates like fentanyl – via vending machines.”

“And now hope Canada have found additional unconventional tools to stop the ongoing överdosepidemin. Then on October 17 it is permissible to produce, sell and use cannabis in Canada and just a month later, established a professorship for cannabisforskning at the University of British Columbia.”

“Most of the money for the professorship, 2.5 million canadian dollars, equivalent to more than 17 million, will come from Canada’s largest cannabisföretag Canopy Growth Corporation. Even the province of British Columbia supports the professorship with the equivalent of less than 3.5 million.”

“Missbruksforskaren M-J Milloy will be the first holder of the newly-established professorship, and his task will be to examine whether cannabis can be a way out of the opioidmissbruk. His previous research has shown that daily cannabis use can be linked to a reduced risk to start injecting drugs among young people in street gangs. He has also found that the daily ritual use increased the likelihood that drug users shall complete such as methadone treatment.”

“Amir Englund, cannabisforskare at King’s College in London, says that past studies have shown a possible link between cannabis use and the use of opioids.”

“– You have done various studies where they have compared states that have medical cannabis and those who do not have it. Then you have seen that states with medical cannabis have a less strong increase of the opioiddödlighet, he says to TT and add:”

“– But it is pretty weak evidence that it is cannabis that affects it. You have not investigated that just the individuals who use cannabis, use less opioids or that fewer people are dying just because of it.”

“However, there has been a number of studies on animals to see how cannabis, and in particular the topic of CBD in the plant, can affect the use of opioids, according to Englund. Studies have shown that animals provided themselves with less cocaine and methamphetamine if they also have scored the CBD. Animal experiments have also shown that CBD reduces the risk to animals that vant’s from the heroin choose it again if they offered it.”

“It seems that CBD can potentially help to prevent relapse for those who have been heroin,” says Amir Englund.”

“He thinks that it is a natural step to now take the research forward from animal studies to testing in humans.”

“– Then it can show that it does not work, but you never know until you’ve tried.”

“Since 17 October 2019 it is permissible to produce, sell and use cannabis in Canada. The trade are covered, however, by strict rules, in the style of those that already exist for alcoholic beverages in the country.”

“According to the new cannabislagen get you as a person grow the most in four plants at home and walk around with up to 30 grams of cannabis in your pocket on the street. In some provinces you must be 18 years old, in the other 19. In a couple of provinces, you may not cultivate for himself and in the other you can shop in the same stores that you are buying the alcohol.”

“In the majority of countries in the world, cannabis is still prohibited, among them Sweden. The Swedish narcotics act prohibits any contact with controlled drugs, including cannabis.”

“But a number of countries are now debating the easing of the rules, or have already introduced such.”

“Uruguay has legalized the cultivation, sale and smoking of marijuana. Canada followed suit and decided in the summer that a legalization would be implemented on October 17 this year.”

“IN the united states, the drug is prohibited at the federal level. However, about half of the states have created their own rules. In at least eight states, cannabis is allowed or about to be there, including the population of the biggest, California. A number of others, including the third most populous Florida, approves medical use.”

“Many other countries are allowing marijuana, under certain circumstances. Within the EUROPEAN union has, among others, Denmark and Portugal recently changed the rules in the more permissive direction.”

“the Plant cannabis sativa (hemp) containing many different active substances collectively known as cannabinoids. One of these substances is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC gives the hallucinogenic effects. Another issue is the cannabidiol (CBD) which does not have the impact.”

“In Sweden are covered THC of drug laws and the CBD are covered by the pharmaceutical legislation.”

“Source: Mpa -”