the royal Dramatic theatre’s board of directors has named its chairman, made a summary assessment of the management of the working environment at the royal dramatic theatre, and by this come to the conclusion that Eirik Stubø must resign. It is a conclusion worthy of a board where the majority of the members lacking real knowledge and experience of the theatre as well as the ability to judge artistic activity. If Eirik Stubøs suitability as the manager of the theatre would be assessed had the natural been making a summary of the whole, that is to say, also include his artistic power and the ability to develop the royal dramatic theatre as the leading scene.

Read more: Björn Wiman responds Carl Tham: The untenable situation at the royal dramatic theatre had been avoided

They had then found, if one consulted the expertise of the man himself, apparently, to the royal dramatic theatre under his direction has made the rich artistic step forward, reached the international level and now you claim that you want to have, had an interesting repertoire and good people to dance with, with the economy in decent balance. This must then be weighed against the problems in the work environment, a number of disgruntled employees, and hysterical gossip. Available in many workplaces and, not least, in a theater and must be handled. But the board has nervously fallen away for a mediemobb, online and extremely biased articles in the press, particularly the daily News.

He would also ask the question whether such a large cultural institution may have a board of directors who act as cowardly and irresponsible,

monthly if the theater had instead supported Stubø and at the same time made to address the shortcomings in working practices and the working environment of which they were accused; a deputy ceo had been hired for this purpose. It should have happened several years ago. Has been an artistic director for a scene should be when his side have an administrative manager, who also Stubø requested. It is the responsibility of the board to the appointment of such a sölat in several years.

the royal dramatic theatre, will now have a manager who is guaranteed to be without artistic knowledge and ability, which is in the board’s taste. In a press release, she says that she will lead the royal Dramatic theatre’s ”whole” activity; the artistic leaders who now wanted may well thus closest to the position that some sort of assistance. She says, however generously that the art will ”take place”. Thank you, thank you, good director.

Chairman of the board, on its part, would like to announce that she’s seen several performances of Stubø and hope that he comes back as a director in the near future, is undeniably a refined way to ”add insult to injury”.

it is a great loss not only for the royal dramatic theatre and the Swedish teaterliv but also a serious weakening of the Swedish cultural life. If there were a culture with commitment to the cultural life and the arts would he be concerned and alarmed that a prominent feminist of Sweden’s internationally most famous scene is set for a mobbkampanj on the networks and in the media. He would also ask the question whether such a large cultural institution may have a board of directors who act so cowardly and irresponsible. But such a culture, we have of course not had in a long time and learn well not get.

Read more: the royal dramatic theatre director Eirik Stubø leaving his post

Read more: Johan Hilton: It is not enough to listen when the silence to the end of the defects

Employees on Stubø: ”Have been held accountable for things that happened far in the past”