“Casper Janebrink: ”We did ballongdansen – without the balloons!””

“”the Heirs”singer singing ”Eloise” 6000 times, growing up and why he never leaves his group.”

“PARTILLE. During Saturday night, competing Heirs for the fifth time in the Eurovision song contest.”

“For them, the program is primarily a window to show up, now when they turn 30 years as a band. Things were different in 1993, when they won with ”Eloise”.”

“– the Song is set as a punch to the face already the first time we heard it, in a mobile phone. It changed our lives. We went from the popular dance band, to get a young audience. We became a bit of a ”boyband”. I’ve probably sung it closer to 6 000 times, ” says Casper Janebrink, 49.”

“We meet in Partille Arena a few weeks before they set up in the round of four in the city of Lidköping. A large sports complex where Casper Janebrink try to work out three times a week. Skivstångspass and boxing. Now the Heirs are able to borrow a room in the arena where they are to practice the choreography for my performance with ”I do”.nCasper Janebrink is undoubtedly the band’s ”star”. Sing the most famous songs. Lined up solo in the TV 4’s ”Stellar star”, which he eventually won, of Ola Salo in the final. But time and again, he points out that they are a band.”

“– I had not passed me so well if I had the others with me. We sing them all, We have had fans who have different favorites. Those who didn’t think I was good looking or sang good, maybe stuck for Lasseman (Larsson). Therefore, we have held in 30 years.”

“He shared of the gage for the ”Stellar star” to the other.”

“– They could miss out on job opportunities when I was with the tv program, ” he says.”

“they Find security in the band”

“periodically, people have asked if he didn’t want to bet on a solo career.”

” Why go solo? The strength is that we are the Heirs. There are låtskatten and security. We have cuddled to each other. Struggled in the tour bus. We have been on the road to leave the band, all four. But how cursed we have been, so have we hugged each other the next day. We have been friends from the beginning.”

“the Lord of the Heirs is quite unique. Caspers (bass, vocals) father Dennis played bass in the Swedish dansband Flamingokvintetten. Tommy Carlsson (drums, vocals) and Kim Carlsson (guitar, vocals), father Hasse was a singer in the same band. Lars ”Lasseman” Larsson (keyboards, guitar, vocals) father Lasse played keyboard in a dance band, the Streaplers.”

” the Parents met on the winter and summer breaks. In between also. We were in Åre and was skiing we were maybe ten kids who played with each other at the hotel. In the 1970s, had many boat, it was a way to holiday, then met and hung out, we with each other out on the islands.”

“Handball and hard rock.”

“As a young bet Casper making a concerted effort to play handball in Sävehof.”

“– I’m left-handed and played right wing. Was right ok. Played in regionslag and met teams from all over the country. But when we stepped into the A team, where there were people who already had their given places. When I stepped of handball, and focused on the music.”

“There was a bass player in a rock band Tommy played in. Father Dennis had to teach Casper to handle the bass.”

” We played at youth clubs and svartklubbar in Gothenburg, sweden. When I was 19, it became too much intrigue in the band so we split up.”

“Through the various tours reunited the object from childhood holidays. The fathers supported them. Swedish dansband Arvingarna was born.”

“Usually not young people rebelling against their parents?”

“– That we had already done with the album (laughs).”

“” I have never thought that our dads precious volvo music was weird or nerdy. It was the music I grew up with. I can put on a Flamingo-plate and be impressed. Of the effects, choirs, Farfisa-organ, the long echo, and delayen on the song, they were ahead as much as other bands tried to imitate.”

“With the ”Eloise” came a young crowd.”

“the Heirs quickly became successful. They were the young dansband – but sounded like an echo from the 1960s.”

“– We started in the fathers ‘ footsteps. Practiced in danslåtar for people to dance to. Then we started to look at the 1960s music. The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Creedence Clearwater Revival, The Four Seasons, The Beach Boys, Simon & Garfunkel.”

“After four years as a dance band, and set up in the Eurovision song contest for the first time in 1993.”

“– At competitions, we made the 180 gig in 1992. Where we were already stuck. With ”Eloise” came the young audience. Young girls. We became a ”boyband”. We were both artists and dance bands. Was with in how many tv programs at any time. Got magazine covers Okay.”

“do you Remember when you heard ”Eloise” for the first time?”

“– We had a whopping mobile phone. Where we heard the song. It was like a punch to the face, although it then only had English blajtext. Lasse Holm put really icing on the cake with that song.”

“– It’s very accessible, but not so easy ackordsmässigt. Many musicians have said, ”we don’t play, there is too much harmony”.”

“What is the meaning of Gert Lengstrands text for you?”

“– Awaken me in the middle of the night and it sits there. I’ve probably sung the song 6 000 times.”

“Casper starts to sing:

“Collecting my thoughts In the solitude before I go utu002FTrodde I was smart when I did slutu002FAh, ah.”

“– the Song is all about that the guy has broken up with his sweetheart. Then he starts to think: Was it so damn smart? Just as I had it in my relationship in 1993, when we recorded the song. I had broken up with my girl but realized that, damn, it was not greener on the other side.”

“The ratio of the burst, however, now is Casper since 2002, married with Helena, it-technologies.”

” We met in the summer of 1998. She was elusive, motherfuckers what I had to fight to get her, but we got engaged in 2001 and married in 2002. Our daughter Alice was born in 2003, our son Felix in 2005.”

“His own parents divorced when he was twelve, but he describes his childhood as safe.”

“– We had just 500 metres between the houses. Monday-Wednesday was me and my brother with my dad, the rest of the week with mom. We also spent a lot of time with grandma and grandpa, and grandma and grandpa.”

“– They first got to experience both the Heirs breakthrough and my children, grandmother, and grandfather sadly passed away before the kids came. Grandma had jättekoll. When we were in the ”allsång på Skansen”, she said afterwards: ”Casper, lucky that you had put the shirt in the jeans, unlike the others in the band”.”

“the Nude pictures in Happened to the Extra”

“She was not as proud as Happened Extra had nude pictures of them and the title NAKENCHOCK.”

“– Some of us would do a little pausunderhållning when our friends were Bhonus played. We drove ballongdansen – though we had no balloons! We found some bandykepsar, but they went a bit here and there. We were so affected, just when we thought it was a fantastic idea (laughter). Someone photographed us and sent the pictures to the newspaper. I don’t remember how I excused myself in front of grandma…”

“Name: Casper Janebrink.nÅlder: 49.nBor: House in Cork a few miles outside of Gothenburg.nFamilj: Wife Helena, an it technician, children Alice, 15, and Felix, 13.nAktuell: Competing with the Heirs in the Eurovision song contest on Saturday. And the band is on summer Diggiloo-tour.”

“… what he prefers to listen to:”

“– John Fogerty! The bead man, what a voice. And last summer I was finally at the Sweden Rock and got to see Iron Maiden live. I’ll get there in the summer again. Drink beer and listen to music. It is very old men 40-60 years of age. A part will arrive, say hello, want to take a picture and ask: ”do you Like hard rock?” It is nice atmosphere there.”

“… Heirs of failed international launch in 1998:”

“– We have chosen to sing in Swedish, mostly. We did an English album. Recorded in Denmark and mixed in London. A pretty good album, but there were many strange roads, all of it flowed just out in the sand. Fixed a fantastic journey to be produced by Tony Visconti, who has worked with David Bowie, T-Rex and Paul McCartney.”

“… to win ”Star star”:”

“– Some said: ”You are in the dance, how will you measure yourself with the others who are the artists?” I was probably an underdog. But we in the band have sung everything from today’s pop music to the old 1960 talsslagdängor. Now, I meet sometimes 9-10-year-olds who have seen the program and say they’ll vote for us in the Eurovision song contest.”

“… his ”real” profession, a carpenter:”

“– I trained in 1988 and 1989 and worked a little bit on a carpentry, then took the music over. But in 1995 I bought our dads precious volvo’s childhood home and I have renovated myself, both inside and outside. The house was damn nice. For a couple of years ago we bought a new house. So now I don’t need to renovate anymore. Or… I have made two bedrooms into one.”

“– Tour with Diggiloo. Any big anniversary concert. Hopefully dinner show in the autumn at Kajskjul 8. Maybe the christmas show. Concerts. And we collect material for an album. The eurovision song contest is the most a window to show us in.”