With a post on Facebook, Cecilia Strada, daughter of Gino Strada, founder of Emergency, announces his departure from the scene from the world of the humanitarian organization, which has long been president after the death of his mother, Teresa Sarti.
“Yesterday ended my long adventure with the Emergency. These have been important, challenging, exciting; it was a privilege for me to do my bit to nurture, grow and bring to the world this idea of medicine and human rights”, writes Cecilia on the social network in a post immediately shared and commented on. “It was also the opportunity to meet so many extraordinary people: thank you. To her goes the usual wish – continues the writing of Cecilia Street – the one that has oriented my compass all these years: that it becomes useless, my lovely; you can finally see the hospitals of war emptied of wounded, and filled with roses. I will continue in every way to me to do for the same goal, however, is to continue my path forward as a whole. And have a good day, to you, to you”.

it is the conclusion of a story started a year ago with articles and rumors on the deterioration of the relationship between Cecilia Road and the vertices of Emergency, the closest collaborators of Gino Strada, engaged in missions abroad, while the daughter was in Italy of the most “political” of the organization. The disagreements were related to the management of the ngo, its financial backers and the strategic objectives of the association. The contrasts avaveno finished in order to directly involve the relationship between Cecilia and her father, Gino, who over the years have developed a different setting of the purpose of the activities and methodologies. The battle is consumed both in the assemblies of the members, both in the private negotiations between the vertices of Emergency, with a lot of lawyers lined up from one side to the other. © Reproduction reserved