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The book
The “hardboiled detective”, the hard-boiled private detective, was by the fathers of the modern crime literature in the first half of the 20th century. Century developed: Dashiell created Sam Spade Hammett (“The Maltese Falcon”), Raymond Chandler’s Philip Marlow (in “The big sleep” and other novels). In the 1980s, the figure of the lone warrior and the woman hero with the hard shell and the sometimes soft-core, and no one, not even the representatives of state Power, something left to say coined, a large part of the American criminal literature. Mickey Spillanes Mike Hammer established in New York, Robert B. Parker’s Spenser in Boston, Loren D. Estlemans Amos Walker in Detroit. Hardly a big city, in which there was no Roman detective.

Then V. I. Warshawski entered in Chicago, the scene. “Private Eye” Warshawski operated only with the initials of the first name, so that potential clients were not deterred by the fact that this Detective to be a detective. Victoria Iphigenia are your first name, your friends call you Vic. You can be as tough and fearless as their male colleagues, but she has just as clearly, feminist trains. Today’s heroines are no longer a rarity, but 35 years ago, author Sara Paretsky was with this figure, a pioneer.

Paretskys novels were in English successfully. With the new title of her came out only sporadically with us, and finally no more. Now the woman crime program Ariadne with a “Critical mass”, in the Original five years ago, appeared, something like the Magnum Opus of Paretsky. The over 500-page Tome shines with a complex Plot that goes far back in history, in the 1920s, in Europe, in the Nazi time, and not only the persecution of the Jews, but also the fate of women in science will be addressed.

It begins with the cry for help of a drug-addict wife. Then their 20-year-old son, the company is a high-tech active disappears. In search of the woman, the great mother was in Vienna, the nuclear scientist, the device Warshawski in a shooting in a drug house. Has to do with the Disappearance of the son with his Job or with his family history?

Sara Paretsky skillfully weaves the different time levels and chasing your detective through an exciting story full of Action, Humor, often quite sarcastic, not too short. A nice reunion with an old heroine.


Sara Paretsky was born in 1947 in Ames, Iowa, grew up in the U.S. state of Kansas. She studied political science at the University of Kansas in Lawrence. In 1977, she completed her PhD in history at the University of Chicago. During ten years she worked as a Marketing Manager for an insurance company in Chicago. Even as a child she wanted to be a writer, but started writing only in his mid-thirties. In 1982 she published her first crime novel with a private detective V. I. Warshawski. The now German-published book “Critical mass” is the 16. Warshawski Thriller. 13 of the previous title have been published since 1984, in English. In October of this year, the 19 appeared in the US already. Band, “The Shell Game”. Paretsky married in 1976, the physicist Courtenay Wright, with whom she had since 1970. The Couple had three children. Wright, who was a Professor at the University of Chicago, died three weeks ago, a month after his 95. Birthday. Sara Paretsky lives in Chicago’s district, South Side.

Sara Paretsky: Critical mass (Original: “Critical Mass”, by G. P. Putnam’s Sons, New York, 2013). From the English by Else Laudan and Boris Szelinski. Ariadne/Argument-Verlag, Hamburg In 2018. 539 p., approx. 33 Fr.


Created: 12.12.2018, 12:03 PM