Christmas present on credit can be expensive,

Debater: Five actions for a more sustainable credit market

This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not the newspaper Aftonbladet.

DEBATE. ”Divide up the payments! Pay after christmas!” We are fed by the exhortations to shop now and pay later, especially when christmas is approaching. For many, they can easily accessible and the small growth in consumer lending, in the end lead to big financial difficulties and sometimes over-indebtedness.

And it is not just our own future economy we borrow. We are also of the future generations, then our over-consumption putting a strain on the climate and natural resources. Swedish Consumers now want to see it cleaned up on the growing credit market.

Since 2008, the konsumtionsskulderna for smaller loans tripled. Option to pay later, split the payment or pay by invoice is often the option that is highlighted in the e-commerce checkout.

How the payment options presented to us when we act is of significance. Research has shown, for example, that different valmöjligheters order can have a significant effect on your final choice.

For more may growth in consumer lending to be a way into the over-indebtedness

christmas shopping is already started, a time which creates a lot of stress of not know if the money will be enough for the christmas presents. But a christmas gift bought on credit can be an expensive business. Your credit purchase must eventually be paid back for more and more can growth in consumer lending to be a way into over-indebtedness. Historically, peaks in January and February, statistics for the most\nantal collection cases, when the bills from the holiday shopping season has expired.

The growing kreditsamhället may not only contribute to major social problems for individuals and for a stable national economy. To borrow from the future to the rapid consumption is also a development that is not sustainable for the planet. Today consume the average consumer in Sweden, the goods as if we had four planets instead of one and the carbon emissions from our consumption has increased.

Recently, tighter rules on payday loans introduced, but it needed more action when debts in society is growing rapidly.

We are in front of these five measures for a more sustainable credit market that will better protect the consumer:

We don’t need more julhandlare who are lured into expensive and unsustainable loans. We now need regulation to stop the increasing överskuldsättningen from growth in consumer lending.

\nJan Bertoft, Secretary general of the Swedish Consumers

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