This perspective has also 2019 inventory. Private broadcasting can not only flourish, if the expansion of public broadcasters. Hans Demmel, CEO of the Association of Private media (Vaunet), said at a press conference on Tuesday evening, “the media policy now has the Chance to simplify the dual System and to optimize, by the public-led service television on basic values.” Chance says: The Prime Minister are now debating fiercely about the ab 2021 valid amount of the broadcasting fee and in this context, the program order of ARD, ZDF and Germany radio.

Demmel admitted that the big stations get returns in the private sector, such as the RTL group, very good Sales, the smaller but not – and the margin times are coming. Hans Demmel speaking pro domo: He is the managing Director of the news channel n-tv in Cologne, which is afflicted in his attention and coverage of ZDF info hard.

disappointment over media policy

the one who wants to notice the a? Klaus Schunk, Chairman of the Department of Radio and audio services in the Vaunet, expressed his disappointment with the media policy. “Public broadcasting and the major companies like Google and Facebook are perceived, the Public Value of the services provided by the private radio stations simply ignored,” he said, and announced a Roadshow across the country days.

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The Vaunet looks, according to Demmel in party-political proximity to the FDP due to its liberal economic orientation and perceived in an “uncanny proximity” to the AfD. The right-wing populists would want to abolish the system of public broadcasting, not so Vaunet, such as Demmel said: “We do not want to Reform, a Review of the Programme, not less.”