as many as 1 out of 10 norwegians do not have travel insurance. And among persons aged 18-33 years, there are as many as 200 000 norwegians who has not obtained such insurance before the journey starts.

But excessive faith in the “reiseforsikringen covers everything” can also lead to complications. And it leads to strange complaints. More about that a bit later.

Billion in damages

Reiseskadeerstatningene go in weather and claims settlement on the travel insurance increased by seven per cent in the first half of 2018 compared to the same period in 2017.

the Bill ended at almost nok 1.1 billion, the figures show that the insurance companies have reported to Finance Norway. The figures for the whole of 2018 are not ready until mid February.

Nine out of ten norwegians have obtained travel insurance. It can be anything from endagsforsikringer, travel insurance that is limited to a specific journey, or what is referred to as the helårsforsikring. Keep in mind that this applies to the entire year, but only for a limited number of days per travel. Usually 60-70 days.

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Around half of the reiseerstatningene applies to people who get sick on the trip.

– It is particularly the substitutes in connection with illness on the journey that increases. Here goes the substitutions in the first half of 2018 up by nine per cent to date compared with the corresponding period in 2017, ” says ms. Stine neverdal, norway in Finance Norway.

Arne Voll, head of communications in the Mutual. Show more

But there are also reiseskadesaker from 2018 of the more unusual battle.

– the Customer wrote to us: the Wasp who built the bol inside and destroying an object (Womanizer-sex toys for adults), tells Arne Voll, head of communications in the Mutual.

Got the customer compensation for this?

– No, this does not give compensation. Reiseforsikringen covers namely not damage to property of the insect, continuing the Embankment.

Fell in the water

That it can be difficult to keep balance on board the boat has any every experienced from time to time. Among other things, this forsikringskunden:

“They were on the båtferie and ran aground. He should push the boat away from the rock and fell out of the boat. The person fell over and landed on a ledge under the water,” writes the person in the damage report.

She was only a trip to the bathroom – the price tag was 10 000

– Then the person came out of the water was the progressive glasses away and Rolex-the watch hung and slang around the arm with broken glass. Also a gullarmbånd got scratches and a gullørering was lost. They broke luckily no, but was considerably bruised, tells Arne Voll, and adds that the customer received the replacement.

Hundebråk and errors ticket

To rent a house in your vacation instead of staying in a hotel is becoming more and more common. Not without reason has boligformidlere that airbnb has become bigger than hotels in several cities in Europe.

But not everyone is equally happy with where they land.

– the customer who had booked a row house in the holiday. But it turned out that there was a lot of stray dogs as the noise at all times, as well as the cats on the terrace and came into the house. This was so unpleasant that they were going to get hired any other place. They sought compensation for dobbeltbooking, ” says Voll.

Cute but…:do Not release the nabokattene into if you rent the house in holiday. Photo: Odd Roar Lange Show more

In this case: Not replacement, since this is a complaint against bookingbyrået.

another customer had bought a ticket with the ferry between Denmark and Norway – the wrong way. It was right in the sommerrushet and it was fully on the ferry, so that the car and the family came not on board on the journey they wanted.

They had to buy a new ticket for a later departure and thought reiseforsikringen should cover this.

Here, the reply Arne Voll: They did not get a replacement since travel insurance does not cover the blunders.

– They denied the flight because they do not know to this