One hundred and twenty thousand years of the history of the ice-marine “written” in an ice core long 584 metres. long 584 metres, is removed in 2015 from a glacier located on the East coast of Greenland. A study by the Institute of polar sciences of the national research Council (Cnr-Isp), published in Climate of the Past has produced the first paleorecord of sea ice in the North Atlantic that has allowed us to discover the evolution during the climatic changes of the last 120 thousand years: from the final stages of the was the interglacial previous to the Emiano, throughout the last ice age, up to the present period of the interglacial, the Holocene. The research was carried out within the framework of the project Erc-european, “ice2ice”, in which Cnr has participated both in the operations of drilling and in the later stages of chemical measures and data analysis.