“Damberg: Affiliated with the terrorist group would be illegal”

“On Thursday, the government has to make a decision about a proposal to criminalize dealings with terrorist organisations, which the Council then shall take a position on, according to Today’s News.”

“We have tightened up the legislation in the field of travel, finance, we give support to education and training, and on Thursday we take the next step to criminalize all dealings and participating in terrorist organizations,” says interior minister Mikael Damberg (S) to the DN.”

“the Issue has been in the news since terroröverenskommelsen concluded between the government and the Moderates, Centre party, Liberals and Christian democrats at the end of 2017. The plan was then to have a new law in place before the elections in september, but that was not the case.”

“– There are many countries that certainly would have wished that they had had a different law from the beginning, but we have tightened up the legislation in many rounds, ” says Damberg.”