The Danish comedian, writer, and debater, Sanne Søndergaard, says goodbye soon to the stand-up scene. For always.

It happens in light of the fact that she feels bullied and harassed in the industry.

she told the Sunday in an interview with Deadline on DR2.

To take the decision, however, has far from been equal to the Danish comedian who has a variety of stand-up shows on the cv.

– It is like if you are in a relationship with a person who commits psychological violence against a. Even if you love him, so you can’t be there, for it destroys the self. I love stand-up, I love doing stand-up, I love my audience, but I can’t be in the stand-up industry, for it makes the simply too hurt, she says in the interview.

According to Sanne Søndergaard is she through time as the stand-upper was met with comments like ‘here smells like pussy’, ‘women are not funny’, and ‘you are only here, because we’ve been in bed together’.

Sanne Søndergaard feel harassed in the Danish stand-up industry. Photo: Finn Frandsen

In the interview with Deadline tells Sanne Søndergaard, that she repeatedly has said, from the face of such comments in the course of his time in the industry, but she is still experiencing harassment in the industry today.

– I have said from many times, and it has so done, that people think that I’m a super bitch, she says in the interview, and continues:

– One of the reasons that I am a passionate kønsdebattør, is that I have experienced so much sexism. I have been told countless times that I’m not fun, because I am a woman. I have been told that I can not come up with on projects, because I am a woman. I have been fired from projects, because I am a woman. I may not be allowed to fold my talent, because I am a woman.

It is, however, not only internally in the industry, Sanne Søndergaard experience to be harassed.

‘This is the feminist fribløder should be deported down to the negerland. So she can be blocks out of all body openings. It is probably her wet dream’, it sounds in a message, as she Sanne Søndergaard has shared on his social media.

Sanne Søndergaard lets not scare so easily and reply to the message with an ironic tone:

‘I do not believe, however, that he has followed my work, then he would know that my wet dream is menstruationskopper to all the women of the 3. verdenslande’, she writes in response.

Right now is Sanne Søndergaard current with his show ‘Kontroltaber’, and although she will not do more stand-up in the future, will the danes be able to see her express herself in other way, insuring she in the interview with Deadline.

Ekstra Bladet has tried to get a detailed comment from Sanne Søndergaard, but she is at the time of writing not be returned on our request.