It is not without reason that Christian Kjær is called wealthy.

28. February in the year he signed his investeringsfirmas accounts with his blue pen, and confirming thus, that he should still count his fortune in the millions.

In the last financial year ended, he with a profit of 7.9 million dollars, after skattefar got its 2.3 million of earnings.

the Money, he lets stand in the company.

Profits am naturally Christian Kjær, who was in a good mood, en Ekstra Bladet spoke with him.

– the Accounts speak for themselves. It feels good. I haven’t raised the dividend in 100 years, if you notice it, says Christian Kjaer.

– Are you married? he asks jokingly, and I must answer no.

– Well, it is not free to have a wife, he says so and laughs.

– You think dresses, bags and jewelry?

– It is everything he says and calling.

While the Christian Kjær don’t put any more words on the economy, shows the accounts, that the money most of all comes from FLSmidth-arvingens equity portfolio.

Under the item ‘exchange rate Adjustments securities’, it appears, for example, that he has conceded 8.1 million dollars, while under the heading of ‘Realized gain securities’ book 6.1 million dollars.

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In total, Kjær financial revenue of 18.7 million dollars, while financial expenses amounted to eur 8.9 million.

It is not what the Christian Kjær has invested in, but it has however previously been promoting, that he has bought diligently into the NKT share. For a number of years ago, it was reported that he had purchased for about 16 million dollars.

With the fat profits have increased the company’s equity to 181,9 million.

shareholders ‘ Equity consists most of all of the securities as the company’s assets. Exactly 111,7 million. There is pumped equity also up by Kjær in fixed assets in the form of land and buildings, which are noted for 18.6 million dollars.

Christian Kjær company is named after the heritage-listed building, the company owner. The property is located in the heart of Copenhagen, and it may very well be the one that counted.

He bought the property for 460.000 dollars back in 1984, and the public assessment sounds now at 29,5 million.

It is certainly not the first time that Christian Kjær has a surplus in its venture capital firm. Apart from a deficit of 8.4 billion crowns in 2011 is millionerne for years flowed into the firmakassen.

The only thing he has pulled out of the company, is remuneration to the company’s one employee. The post accounted for in the current financial statements of 500,000 crowns.

the well-Known Fritz Schur forgyldes of the scandal-the bank: ‘I am immensely wealthy’

The many millions of the 74-year-old business lawyer, among other things used to buy a lot of land.

See and Hear has recently recorded his title in Silkeborg, where he has since 2010 bought massively. According to the magazine, he has purchased 1500 acres of forest, plantation and agricultural land for the total of 56 million crowns.