Kesi-fans in the whole country got Monday, a dull news.

The Danish rap star had planned several concerts at the Cecil Hotel in Copenhagen at the end of november, but now he must cancel.

It tells the rapper with the civil name Oliver Kesi Chambuso on Instagram.

– Hello, everyone. As some of you know, I have been suffering some fairly bad stemmeproblemer ago in the summer. It has done that I have gone very much to the doctor. They have found that I have a cyst on my vocal cords, which must be operated away, says Kesi to his followers on Instagram.

According to the rapmusikeren he must already, through its operation in november, and therefore he is forced to cancel the 15 concerts at the Hotel Cecil.

– unfortunately I can’t play, and it is insanely pressure. But all of you who have purchased tickets to the Hotel Cecil will get your money back, and then we will try to put some new concerts up, ” says Kesi.

The 26-year-old rapper is known for his many hits such as ‘Sleepless’, ‘street Corner’, ‘Consigliere’ and the latest hit from the 2018 ‘just Like me’.