It is the constitution that protects our democracy. They are four in number.

the Constitution establishes that all public power emanates from the people. In practice, this means that I as a citizen is determines by the politicians as I am opting-in in the parliament, municipalities and regions/county councils. This is called representative democracy.

In the freedom of the press act, there are rules that you should be able to freely express what you think and think and argue for your opinion. At the same time that this freedom protects the freedom of the press act me against the slander and violations.

to think and say almost what I want. In Betlike the freedom of expression, however, it is also what is not allowed, as, for example, to vilify, or violate another person.

the Leading politicians in all parties should of course exercise its power with respect for the equal value of all people and for the individual freedom and human dignity.

I have these days a very great respect for the Liberal party leader Jan Björklund and the C-leader Annie Lööf who has the strength to withstand the forces and movements that wish to retain our common democratic and liberal society. In extension, it is the this SD to if I should trust what the leaders say and what is written in their party platform.

the public bullying that is going on against these two party, the Liberals, respectively, the Centre party, but nevertheless believe it is important that we all can and do make our voice heard. However, in a way where I treat others as I wish to be treated yourself.

We all have a responsibility for this and we are all creating the society we live in.