“Do not understand that culture is the key to Sweden?”

“This is a kulturartikel which is a part of Aftonbladet’s opinionsjournalistik.”

“Åsa Linderborg on the party’s retreat in the cultural policies”

“Why the social democrats have released cultural policy, which is SD’s largest kampområde? “

“”We will undertake a cultural revolution” declared Mattias Karlsson, SD, when Martin Aagård interviewed him in 2011. Karlsson argued by Gramsci as a guide: If you want to change society, is not enough parliamentary work, you must get into the cultural institutions and the way people think.”

“It is here understood the young labor movement. Purposefully worked to the idea that society should be organised on the basis of solidarity principles, only to be seen as common sense. The neoliberal counterrevolution has changed the way of thinking. The result is a rapidly increasing inequality, which sets people against each other.”

“Those who reaped the rewards of this is högerpopulisterna, whose power analysis is about everything other than the ownership class. Lede fi ”kulturmarxisterna” and the liberal medieeliten. This would be impossible if not many, felt that there is something in the claim.”

“the Liberals can howl never so much about Trump, Orbán and SD a threat to democracy – the common people shrugs his shoulders, disturbed by her own increasing desperation. They are not represented in politics, media or culture, for them, democracy has been eroded in three decades.”

“the Liberals’ problem is that they can never counteract the world-wide conservative campaign against ”the open liberal society”, because they themselves are the architects behind the development, as more and more questions. Racism can never be turned down with the only anti-racism and demokratilektioner can never replace the fact that 8 out of 10 feel powerless.”

“the social democrats gave up the cultural policy in the same moment they gave up the economic policy. It is not possible to just blame the passage of public förytligande. When they pretend to be right-life is outdated, win högerpopulisterna a hearing for the claim that all the trouble is about the cultural differences. “

“There is a danger of electric shock. But equally adventurous are the miljöpartistiska the idea that cultural policy should be an instrument for human rights. (Amanda Lind, however, seems to be a big step forward compared with the representative.) “

“It is also the kultursynen of those who do not understand that ”tolerance” requires that the differences that exist – socially and economically, but also culturally and värderingsmässigt – should have legitimacy.”

“A radical cultural policy is a trefrontskrig: Against högerpopulisterna that splits up the people after antihumana principles. Against kulturrelativisterna who do not want to defend the progressive milestones that characterize the modern Sweden. Against the neo-liberals who preached that man is fundamentally egoist, and that culture should not get the money. “

“Understand sossarna not that the story about Sweden is located in the culture, they understand nothing. “