Donald Trump is well forlorn in the face of the cultural world. Dwayne Johnson, aka The Rock, has released on Thursday a video of eight minutes on Twitter, lashing out at Donald Trump for his handling of the social crisis triggered by the death of George Floyd. The american star is primarily a concern about the leadership of the american president, “Where are you ? Where is our leader at this time ? This time when our country is on its knees, hurt, angry, frustrated, in pain, begging and pleading with open arms, wanting to just be heard”.
Donald Trump in the sights of Dwayne Johnson after the death of George Floyd
Nieuws: President van Abchazië weigert op te stappen na onrust
President Bzjania van Abchazië, een regio in Georgië, heeft aangekondigd dat hij niet zal aftreden of vluchten na de recente demonstraties in de hoofdstad...