“Don’t complain to the teacher – lecturing to your children”

“Roger Haddad (L): Kränkthetskulturen in the Swedish school must be stopped”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. Threats and violence towards the teaching staff must be prevented and stopped. It is not a few isolated events it is all about. Unfortunately, we are seeing an increase in the number of cases notified to the Swedish work environment authority. “

“We have not only an acute teacher shortage, we have also urgent system problems in the Swedish school. And there is nothing more important than that there is a good working atmosphere in the school. Teachers are exposed to knocks, stranglehold. “

“Students threaten teachers that they should be killed – or, as in the latest high-profile case in Nybro, where a student called a teacher for the whore. The reason was that the teacher would collect students ‘ cell phones before the lesson. In this case, chose a different co-teacher to intervene and show out the student out of the classroom, completely in accordance with the regulatory framework. “

“It’s insane in this case, if the reports are true, is that instead of the parents läxar up his son who called the teacher for derogatory epithets – so, notifies the teacher. According to them, has the student been violated and molested. It remains to see how the school authorities deem this. “

“the Liberals believe that the education act regarding the abusive treatment must be clarified and strengthened. But in situations where the parents take the child’s party, it doesn’t matter what is written in the education act. “

“this development is unacceptable, this kränkthetskultur must be stopped. Sweden must once and for all establish the in the education act, that it is the teachers who decide in the classroom and the principal who leads the work of the school. “

“every day we take some of the examples where students or their parents ever challenges this, questioning and threaten to report teachers to the schools Inspectorate. Recently, we could also read about a dad who took a stranglehold on a teacher because he was dissatisfied with the grading. Not enough with this as announced by the district court that the teacher’s claim for damages dismissed. I hope that the case is further examined. “

“of Course, should a parent whose daughter had been bullied and where the school has not acted, or where pupils in need of support have not received a good education, have his case examined and criticised. But here it is about an attitude towards the teachers, where students and parents can behave any way they like. “

“Now, I hear of my colleagues around the country to more before the contract, förväntanskonktrakt, and with the routines for how to handle unruly parents. “

“This if anything confirms how serious the situation is in the Swedish school. Not enough with it. We have a child-and elevombud that continues to pursue damages against schools where teachers intervened to maintain order. And unlike what the responsible claims in the statements, it is certain the individual instructors criticized. “

“There are also cases where you do not even hear the accused teacher’s version, but only the student’s and the municipality’s. It that BO does not want to discuss is that in the Inspectorate there is criticism of how the child and school student representative acted in a number of cases. “

“With all of this taken together – the lack of respect from students, no trust and support from the parents and in too many municipalities, school management bodies and political wires are not standing up for the teaching staff work to maintain order and security in the school – created this culture that completely undermines the teachers. “

“If we do not restore läraryrkets profession and status, no one will want to be a teacher and to apply for teacher training that are already struggling with low demand and large drop off. “

“the Teaching profession should be the finest you can get in Sweden, but if students and parents or the political regulatory deficiencies, we will never achieve this goal. “

“Roger Haddad, skolpolitisk spokesperson (L)”

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