– There are missing quite a societal perspective. Is it ignorance or blinders?

– If the premise really is that the people themselves choose to be on social assistance and, therefore, are responsible for, whether they are it or not, so it is very easy.

– Why choose all not just to be healthy and rich and eternal youth is also fat.

– it is Also a societal investment that the children are born. Yes, it is a private matter….with the societal consequences.

How to write Pia, L in one of the 96 comments so far) are written to an op-ed in politiken.dk, written by Thomas HN, who is a member of main board of Liberal Alliance Youth in Copenhagen.

In the post wonder why the liberal ungdomspolitiker is over, that people on welfare have children and he tells that he himself has met some kontanthjælpsforældre, which would even have more kids:

– I am genuinely in doubt about what the thought process – or lack thereof – prior to such a decision.

Children of welfare recipients are those who have the least probability to complete an upper secondary education, they do worse in school, etc.

– We know from the statistics that the children of welfare recipients has a high likelihood to end up on the dole, Thomas writes, – although he stresses that he will not prohibit kontanthjælpsbørn – have to look very far for support for his view among the readers of the Danish newspaper politiken.dk

– A bid is that skribentens lack of understanding is rooted in that he believes human action is rooted in economic rationality.

– If it is the starting point, then there must be quite a lot in Sahabet the world, which is completely incomprehensible :-), writes Jonathan L in his comment, and Nis B use slightly fewer words:

– Nasty reading of an inhumane liberalist!

Quite a few of the comments are positive, but the FR can follow the thinking:

– Believe In honestly that it is for anyone – children or parents – the advantage that children born into poverty, misery and an almost iron-clad status as samfundstaber?

As I read the post, talk that’s not to exclude the incidental benefit claimants, but, frankly, if you’ve already got tvangsfjernet children, what is it then, if not splitterhamrende craze, choosing to get a for?

– Personally, I would never dream of bringing children into this world without a solid economic foundation, but we are perhaps just different.

– Perhaps this is a presentation to the real question: should you really have children for its own sake? (I’m NOT LA’s or something similar to it!), write FF, but what are you thinking?

, you Would put a child into the world, while you were on the dole? Yes No do not Know

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, you Would put a child into the world, while you were on the dole? 25% Yes 66% No 9% By not

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