Drop the requirement to sit in the government, MP

MP-politicians: We can’t, Annie Lööf, just say no to all

This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not the newspaper Aftonbladet.

DEBATE. The formation of the government rolls on and my party’s mouthpieces have announced that they intend to vote ‘ no ‘ to all governments which do not contain the green Party. But to the middle of a global climate crisis once again put the muzzle on itself in a government where right-wing parties that C and L has a strong influence threatens to become the death knell for the Miljöparti is needed now more than ever.

It runs poorly now. Both the green Party and the climate. When the world’s countries now meet in Katowice to negotiate solutions to the climate crisis do you do it in a huge uphill.

With the current policies we are on the road against a minimum of 3 to 4 degrees heating, a nightmare scenario which would result in incalculable consequences for our society.

at the same time, it is party in Sweden that has the most radical proposal in the area of climate about to be wiped. With 4.4 per cent in the elections, and now even lower in the autumn opinion polls, is my Miljöparti on the way out of parliament, during the height of the crisis.

In this serious situation makes our mouthpieces claimed that the green Party will vote no to every government in which we ourselves are not included. This after a period where we had to give us several absolutely crucial issues, for example, Vattenfall’s lignite, migration and approaches to Nato. During the four years has the Green party’s voice as a powerful opinion leaders for a progressive and visionary policies have been fitted with the gag.

If we continue in a government where our influence is even weaker, it would be a mistake that will risk the party’s future.\it is no wonder that the green Party lost in the elections. We have shown that we can take responsibility, but since the second world war, all the small parties in government in Sweden lost voters. It erodes to reign, and a small government party can not speak for its own policy. Instead, it often defend the compromises which the party lost.

Even less is the support in the age group of 22 to 30, where we drop from 13 to 5 percent. We are talking here about the group of voters who will see the magnitude of climate change during their\nlivstider, voters for which Party should appear as an obvious choice.

on the Contrary, these young voters the main memory of the green Party to be a party that defended the kolförsäljning

If we now put ourselves in a government whose basis will pursue a policy that is far from the Green party’s core values, we will face parliamentary elections in 2022, a whole generation of voters who never experienced a radical miljöparti.

on the Contrary, these young voters the main memory of the green Party to be a party that defended the kolförsäljning, tax cuts for the affluent, and centerpartistiska market rents. With the strategy, it is only a matter of time until we go out of parliament.

the green Party is needed. The world is facing a climate and environmental crisis. No one is doing enough. Neither Sweden or the EU emissions decreases. It only Sweden and the EU have done so far is to slow down the pace in which we degrade position. Someone needs to say it. And someone needs to provide proposals and gain a hearing for what we need to do instead. It is the Green party’s mission.

In Germany is the Green a good bit over 20 per cent in the polls. There is a potential and a hunger for green policies. But then one needs to opinionsbilda for it!

the green Party may not, like the Centre party, just say no to all of the existing options

Sweden must, of course, ruled, and the Greens can not, like the Centre party, just say no to all of the existing options. But there are other ways to take responsibility than in government. We can provide budget documentation, or negotiate to drop out the least bad regeringsalternativet.

the Climate has not, however, afford a completely silent Miljöparti for another four years.

\nMax Andersson, member of the EU parliament (MP)

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