‘The kind of svinere ought to are charged with fines starting from $ 10,000 and up. Without exceptions. the
And then it is complete no matter who the dumper. the
Just it is a single bag of waste, so should the fare be 10,000.’

How to wrote Tommy F in a comment on the jv.dk, when South Jutland Police three weeks ago sent a through-investigated the case on the forest-garbage on to the legal assessment of the prosecution.

the First time, the case was investigated, gave the police up, since the owners of the affaldsdyngen would not disclose the names of the two persons, who according to their explanation, were responsible for the skovsvineriet.

But now – when the case is investigated once again – the lawyers ended up with the assess, that there is a case, as the court in Esbjerg can take a position: A person has been charged with littering, which is a violation of naturbeskyttelsesloven.

– I think it is a positive development.

it may not be true that one can evade responsibility by saying that you do not have thrown it, says president Benny Shops from Helle-Biltoft Plantation to the jv.dk today, It was Benny, who notified the pigs two years ago.

See also: did not want to run 4 km to the genbrugspladsen: the Forest is so big

As the nation! wrote about the case just after the new year 2016, attended by more than 30,000 readers in the debate on the skovsvin and Restbet police handling of the skovsvineri. The vast majority thought at the time that the police were going to take such matters more seriously and to fines of at least $ 10,000. was in place, but according to jv.dk is the ‘only’ view to a fine of 8000 kr.

What are you thinking? And do you think it ends with a judgment?

Must the police give priority to cases relating to casually waste? honestly no – there is thus more important crimes things Yes, the kind that is very rough What do you think skovsvinet from Helle-Biltoft Plantation should be paying in fines? Nothing – the forest is so big 1000 5000 the 10000 25000+

See result

Must the police give priority to cases relating to casually waste? 13% honestly no – there is thus more important crimes things 87% Yes, the kind that is very rough What do you think skovsvinet from Helle-Biltoft Plantation should be paying in fines? 1% No forest is so big 2% 1000 19% 5000 36% 10000 43% 25000+

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