“The economy and amnesty stumbling blocks in Nigeriaval”

“It can be evenly between the main candidates in the presidential election in Nigeria. Before the election, the focus is on the economy and the fight against widespread corruption, but also negotiations and amnesties in order to stop the violence in the south of the country.”

“the Country’s election commission announced only a few hours before the polls would open the last weekend that it decided to postpone the elections. Which reasons were cited problems with the logistics and the distribution of polling materials. The commission decided that the elections shall instead be held on Saturday.”

“the main candidates are the incumbent president, Muhammadu Buhari from ruling party APC and the opposition Atiku Abubakar, who is representing the opposition party PDP.”

“Buhari, who took over the presidency in 2015, valspurtade through its spokesperson convey a statement in which he praised their economic reforms. Nigeria’s growth rate of 2.4 per cent in the last quarter of 2018 is an important ”

“But there are different opinions about how Buhari managed economic development.”

“Criticizing the economic policies”

“Abubakar is one of those who criticizes the way the government handled the economy. He promises more jobs, the privatization of the state oil company and to get the economy to grow to double by 2025.”

“Abubakar also explained on Thursday that he intends to continue with the so-called Nigerdeltaamnestin in southern Nigeria if he is elected. Amnesty was started in 2009 to bring an end to the unrest in the oil-rich area, with the help of economic agreements with the local militias get the many armed attacks and kidnappings of foreign oil workers to reduce.”

“There is a lot of dissatisfaction among the poor part of the locals in the deltaregionen because they believe that they are disadvantaged in the distribution of the large oil revenues.”

“Buhari tried to put a stop to amnestiprogrammet in the beginning of his term in office – something that led to the violence in the region increased.”

“Muslim. Was born in 1946 in the state of Adamawa in northern Nigeria.”

“Very rich. A partner in an international oil company with over 10,000 employees, which was founded in Lagos in the southern part of the country.”

“Representing the People’s democratic party (PDP).”

“Has been vice president of Nigeria for two terms of office. He was responsible inter alia for the review of the privatisation of state enterprises.”

“Has been accused of corruption, but never been brought to justice. He calls the charges politically motivated, and recently traveled to the united states, which has been interpreted as that he wanted to prove that he is not wanted there for corruption offences.”

“Describes himself as a philanthropist. Among other things he founded the university, the American University, which has offered education to the so-called Chibok girls, kidnapped by terrorrörelsen Boko Haram, but later released after negotiations.”

“Grew up in a conservative muslim family which did not want to let him educate himself, something he, however, defied. After graduation, he worked in the customs authority, then to become a businessman.”

“Got contacts within the political elite during his time within the customs authority. He went into politics in 1989 and has several times set up as a presidential candidate, but without that win.”

“Have four wives and 28 children.”

“Muslim. The 76-year-old general Muhammadu Buhari ruled the country with hard hands after a military coup in the mid-1980s, but won the 2015 presidential election in a democratic way. It was the fourth time Buhari ran for president.”

“He won against the incumbent president Goodluck Jonathan, the first election victory for a moscow says where the power was handed over voluntarily in the country’s history.”

“He represents the coalition, the All progressives Congress (APC), most of which went to the election on fighting the widespread corruption in the country. Buhari has also promised to eradicate terrorrörelsen Boko Haram, however, it has not managed even if the group has stävjats. Boko Haram still conduct regular armed attacks.”

“another question that Buhari, as well as his candidate, must address at a victory, is the bloody battles between herders and farmers in the country. In the last year harvested the conflicts six times more casualties than the Boko Harams terror attacks.”

“Ahead of the elections has the president’s health has been questioned. Last year he underwent several months of medical treatment in London, but for which the diagnosis he the treatment was received is not known.”

“Sources: Reuters, AFP, with multiple”