“Make sure that we have the energy – if we are going to work longer”
“the Swedish association of health professionals: Better working conditions must go before the increase in the retirement age.”
“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”
“the DEBATE. Swedish association of health professionals perceive Pensionsgruppens proposal to raise the retirement age, as early as next year that tondövt for how the reality looks like for those who work in health care. This change must occur in a different order. “
“The increasing longevity of the population certainly require an increase in the retirement age for pensions to live on, but first needed considerably better working conditions for those working in health and healthcare must be able to work full-time until 65 years. “
“It’s also about fixing the national salary structure so that education and responsibility are worthwhile and that you get a livslön that lead to a good retirement.”
“the Swedish association of health professionals organize the midwives, biomedical, röntgensjuksköterskor, nurses and specialist nurses, all of which are key competences for health care to work. When we read of the closed beds, crises in maternity care or in a timely fashion, it is about it is the lack of the professions that health professionals organize. “
“If we shall be able to man the health services and care both now and in the future must Vårdförbundets members have terms that ensure that even more people want to work there. “
“Our Livslönerapport from 2016 shows that the association’s professionals earn about 30 percent less over a career than professionals with comparable education and responsibility. The gap is a historic debt of undervalued female jobs, which also leads to a lower pension. “
“Sweden has the worst sjukskötersketäthet in the Nordic countries. The need 45 000 more nurses to 2030 to be in the same level as our neighbours. The then minister of social affairs Annika Strandhäll admitted in Express newspaper on 21 October, 2015 that the working environment needs to be improved, primarily in female-dominated occupations before retirement age can be raised. “
“We have not received any signal from the covenant, 115 000 members that there has been no improvement since then. Vårdförbundets members feel about their jobs, but are struggling with the assignment. They get to fill the holes after the colleagues who are missing, skip breaks and time for self-development and reflection, set up the vacations and run faster for citizens not to suffer. “
“It does not work long time. Samvetsstress and the feeling that not enough to make the members sick, or cause them to leave the professions they really like.”
“About the same time as Pensionsgruppen presented his proposal also came to new statistics from the employment service, over the future of the hottest professions, which is hot precisely because the lack of them is so great. Unsurprisingly, the us ended up both midwives and nurses on the list. “
“Society must take responsibility to all the professions that are needed in order for our society to function have enough attractive conditions, where livslön and working conditions do more both to and stay in the profession longer. “
“We will need every experienced midwives and biomedical analysts, every single röntgensjuksköterska, nurse and specialistsköterska, and then we need to ensure that they both have the energy and are motivated to work any years. “
“Sweden earn on that people get the treatment in time when they need to, and the general health of the population is good. It must pay off to have worked a whole life to promote the health and quality of life of the population. “
“If we collectively ensure that the working conditions in health care improved, more will like to work longer without Pensionsgruppens intervention. Like raising the retirement age – but only substantially better working conditions.”
“nSineva Ribeiro, president of the Swedish association of health professionals”