“Equality is no subordinate clause”
“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”
“On 10 april, Magdalena Andersson to present the government’s vårbudget for parliament. A month of hard work is in front of the minister of finance and her staff, and it depends not only on that the spring budget will be the first opportunity to at least try to clean up the mess the moderate servettbudgeten have created.”
“It will mainly affect the workload at the ministry of finance is that the economic policy is likely to be the big konfliktfrågan for the parties behind the januariavtalet the coming years. The interpretations of what you actually agreed, already moving apart, particularly when it comes to taxes.”
“these tax cuts must be offset”
“When Magdalena Andersson and Stefan Löfven has carefully tried to claim that some of the 73: the item quite unabashed enrichment of the already well-off must be balanced to have both Jan Björklund and Annie Lööf immediately submitted a dissenting opinion.”
“In the beginning formulated centerledaren its distributional approach in a way that can be worth remembering.”
“– We have a subordinate clause in the understanding if to reduce the economic gaps, ” said Loof to the TT.”
“Then she hit attached to it, in her view, should mean even lower taxes, even lower payroll taxes and make it even easier for people to”
“I’m Sorry but doesn’t that sound suspiciously like the policy of the government Reinfeldt brought over eight years? And was not the result of the policy recurring tax cuts for the wealthiest, at the same time as the terms and conditions for the poorest people all of the time midst?”
“the Wording on the economic disparities – the clause, as Annie Lööf puts it – can hardly have come to in order to create new alarms on child poverty.”
“Magdalena Andersson teaches in short get to fight for any proposal that increases the risk of chaos. How she manages to determine how history will see on the januariavtalet. But it is not the only challenge for the finance minister.”
“In every political cooperation, there is the risk that the compromises finally goes out over the accountability. When the negotiations start to go slow, it is easy to begin to replace the tax cuts that anyone wants to see against the new expenditure that someone else wants to see.”
“In the history of the social democratic ministers of finance have been the best guarantee against just that. Now rests the responsibility on the Magdalena Andersson.”