Mr Pestalozzi, you have been working for around 30 years as an oncologist. How to give someone a cancer diagnosis?
For that it needs first of all a suitable outer frame, time and peace of mind. We are obliged to inform the patient about diagnosis, prognosis and treatment options, but on consideration, what the Patient can contain and tolerate. Such conversations require tact and empathy. The communicative competence gains in the training of prospective specialists of increasing importance.

How people react to a cancer diagnosis?
Very different. Some people are sovereign, they understand and accept their illness. Others are overwhelmed and flee into Denial, to not want to admit it. The reactions are as varied as the people themselves.

How do you go as a doctor with such a diagnosis, a conversation of the disease?
I see it as my professional task, me the patient, not only as specialist, but also as a human being, maybe even as a friend. That is, the emotional level, the life of the patients and their families to participate. Without empathy there is no relationship. It takes time and a lot of understanding, to the Patient in the new, a difficult Situation arrived. For me, it is a challenging task, but also a privilege to me with existential issues in the lives of these people.

this Is not a huge burden?
Already! But also an interesting task in life. The people are grateful, if we can help you. Of course, it gives the doctor a good feeling, and the patient’s trust, if the treatments are working. The treatment remains successful, it will also for the doctor, and burdensome. There are patients who change doctor, to accept the deterioration of their disease situation.

Helps because the Think?
This is very individual. Some helps of the Faith. Other can deal well with the disease, to be without faith.

what was the prejudice about cancer you want to clean up?
cancer is not because you have the wrong mental attitude, or too much Stress. When it comes to behavior, I can only say: stop, for heaven’s sake of Smoking! This is really important. Cancer is a physical disease; there are cells that multiply uncontrollably. This has nothing to do with the negative Thinking! Cancer is not a mental illness. Anyone who is of this opinion, places the burden on the Affected in addition to blame for your disease.

Are there any studies on this?
Yes. And the point: Depressed people are diagnosed later, more likely to have cancer. There is no “cancer personality”.

“as Long as you are healthy, you should go with the topic of cancer. Man, ill man is suddenly noisy.”Prof. Dr. med. Pestalozzi, oncologist

How it is in Switzerland to have the awareness of cancer?
The issue is both in the population as well as of the policy is very much present. Switzerland has formulated a national cancer strategy. The Parliament has recently adopted a law for the establishment of a national cancer registry. The Swiss group for Clinical cancer research (SAKK) for decades, clinical studies with cancer patients.

But it is not the cancer-only an issue if he is there, and until then rather taboo?
There’s some Truth to that. As long as you are healthy, you should go with the topic of cancer. Man, ill man is suddenly noisy. The disease is everywhere; on television, on the Radio, in the media, even in advertising. It is good if the theme is present in the Public.

Right in the open about it, people don’t like to talk but, from what I hear. to talk
cancer is still a certain taboo. Someone Hiking, to die, for example, the display is in the death: Passed away in the beloved mountains. Someone to cancer, dies, something, perhaps, from the fight against an insidious disease, or it will be asking for donations for the cancer League.

men tend to suffer by far the most common prostate cancer, women with breast cancer. The more Numbers you find here.

Is it a Problem that people are reluctant to talk about cancer?
Yes. Everyone is talking at the table about heart disease, but cancer? No. The society must learn to deal with the Affected with more objectivity and respect. Often is just staring or proclaimed: Look, the no hair. She definitely has cancer. Such sensationalism is Concerned is painful. It is important that the cancer does not stigmatize. Cancer is a disease like any other.

you Should appeal to people who suffer from cancer, be open to it?
This is not a General answer. There are patients who are relieved to be able to about your diagnosis, talk to, others reject the. Cancer patients want to be treated as normal. It is people like you and me. You don’t want to be ostracized depreciated.

How do I approach these people correctly?
eye-To-eye, as well, how to meet people with walking or visual impairment. Eye-To-Eye! You do not talk about people but with them.

“The relationship between Doctors and patients has changed. Doctors are not “gods in White”.”Prof. Dr. med. Pestalozzi, oncologist

Is done in Switzerland, not enough for cancer prevention?
In Switzerland will be taken over three colonoscopy, called colonoscopies, by the health insurance companies, each with 50, 60 and 70 years. This screening is very effective, but used too little. Also highly recommended is the smear in women for early diagnosis of cervical cancer. The vaccination of young women ensures that there is no disease.

but There are also more controversial measures, such as mammography.
Exactly. There is the Problem of “false-positive” findings. It is found in the case of a woman, a change in breast tissue, is in ninety percent of all cases of cancer. Such “false-positive” findings are for the women is an unnecessary burden. That is why the Provision is being discussed-mammography controversial. Every woman has to decide in discussion with your doctor, whether you want to carry out the study.

Has changed the relationship between Doctors and patients fundamentally different? Can determine with the Patient today?
The ratio has changed, in fact. Doctors are not “gods in White”. It comes together with the patient the diagnostic and therapeutic objectives, and measures. Sometimes you have to confront the person Concerned in order that a cure is no longer possible or that the media claimed a new “miracle therapy” may not come in your case. I appeal to the media not to stir up undifferentiated and exaggerated hopes. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 06.02.2019, 17:55 PM