“F-cashier violates the sick and make them sicker,”
“Doctor: Your authority is a välfärdsbrott”
“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”
“the DEBATE. It may not be the way it was thought that health insurance would work.”
“In three years’ time after the Agency’s new approach has primary care physicians worked in uphill battle with to provide people their right to a secure livelihood when they become ill. “
“Sjukintygen questioned, sometimes rightly so, but at the later time in the most unimaginable ways. ”Describe the room how sick the patient is.” There is no art if there is a bone fracture, or an ongoing heart attack. But it is not visible from the allowed usually not. “
“How will you describe the exhaustion when the patient is sitting in the visitor’s chair and making the effort to tell me how it is? Or how to describe a severe pain is treated with analgesics? Röntgenutlåtande and the time for surgery is not sufficient evidence of Insurance. “
“My mission as a doctor is to certify if the disease constitutes a work obstacle, and not how the person behaves during the visit. Often I question if there is a legal certainty for patients, and sometimes I feel that the common sense taken over by a squareness, which is unworthy of a welfare state. “
“Those who are weak due to illness today has little opportunity to get the help of the health insurance. Women have a higher sick leave rates than men, and we know that ill-health is a klassfråga. The lower the salary, the worse the health. To be without replacement when you are sick is not conducive to recovery because you have busy to be healthy. “
“It is common that those who have been refused sick leave may feel wronged by the Agency’s staff. Some go back to work, but becomes afterwards deteriorating. A rejection from the Insurance often leads to a request for income support from the social services in the municipality but it is not given if you are ill, because you must be sick then.”
“the decision-making process within the social Insurance is too lengthy and in the meantime, the sufferer no compensation. A first rejection of the sickness benefit can lead to a to a three-month delay of notice if you get any money or not. How can handle that at the same time, both solve the supply and recover?”
“Many deteriorate when the letters with the challenges coming from national Insurance. Some have not even the energy to read or understand, particularly at the utmattningstillstånd. The papers will be lying around without the action or the appeal. The individual should both monitor their SGI (sickness benefit generating income) and the appeal in time. It is enough to recover and try to get back into work.”
“Increasingly often, we only request the personal representative from the municipality, which help to monitor the sick, the rights vis-à-vis the social Insurance authority. Sjukförsäkringsminister Annika Strandhäll has stated that no one should fall between the cracks of the welfare system when one is sick. “
“the Problem is so large that a national coordinator is appointed to review the system’s flaws.”
“We primary care physicians are forced to respond to requests and depressions in the intygsskrivandet despite the fact that facts is often found on the table. It takes time and displace doctor’s appointments for those most in need of care at the health centers. “
“the Chamber believes that the social Insurance shall compensate the health service for costs incurred in connection with the intygsskrivande that takes a long time. Certificate to the social Insurance can not be a free good as it is today. The social insurance agency contributes with their demands that resources are reduced in health care. When the patient is sick and we want to be primary care physicians do everything possible so that the rightful compensation is to be paid directly. “
“the Agency’s current treatment of health insurance is not governed by the basic security needs at the disease and not of how the morbidity in our society. It is controlled instead of goals about how many percentages of the population who may be on sick leave, respectively, to receive sickness or activity compensation in relation to the budget that is set aside. “
“what if the same vision with the limited percentage would apply to how many children go to school? There is no scientific analysis that is the basis when you set objectives for the level of ill-health, they are simply not adapted to the development of the disease. “
“They should instead be linked to the current disease situation and how many are or are becoming ill and of the diagnoses. “
“the level of ill-health is controlled thus, the political, and not based on people’s actual health care and the Agency’s ability to assist in the care and rehabilitation. During the government of Reinfeldt was about 70 billion out of the health insurance to pay for the earned income tax credit. This money has not been reversed and the deficit to the insurance, with the cost been, dropped further since then. “
“It is in the first place, we in primary health care who work with sick patients. When I have written in a medical certificate, it is not to me the Insurance administrator turns it to be a rejection of the certificate is too thin. “
“It is I who have written sjukintyget and then should Insurance apply to me if you are not satisfied with the certificate and, therefore, intends to reject the application. “
“the Current management is unworthy against the doctors and the patients. The certificate is managed in a rättsosäkert way according to my experience and is held against a sick and weakened person and his or her right to compensation. The communication of any deficiencies shall not be made with the sick person.”
“Something is wrong, very wrong. The exercise of authority within the social Insurance has radically changed, and there is growing evidence that the handling is both rättsosäker and amateurish. “
“the regulatory Framework should, of course, be followed in decisions, but where did the space for the rhyme or reason, the way, the space for personal judgement and responsibility? Countless patients will testify about how unworthy they are being treated by administrators within the agency. “
“the Opportunities for criminals to exploit, inter alia, social security systems have been tightened over and the crimes goes under the name of välfärdsbrott. It is excellent. “
“But I think that it also is a välfärdsbrott when people end up in poverty because they are sick and in addition will be offended by the malicious exercise of official authority. “
“nMargaretha Lööf-Johanson, Specialist in general practice.”
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