“Fail not the promise of SD, Loof and Bjorklund”

“Gustav Fridolin: A government dependent on Åkesson should be just as impossible to you today as a couple of weeks ago.”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. On september 10 I woke up with a lump in the stomach. The results of the election had given us an even more difficult parliamentary position than we had last term. I knew that the seven parties had agreed to the choice on not to give The sweden democrats influence. But I didn’t know if that promise would hold once the government loomed.”

“My concern has grown, in pace with the moderates in the municipality after the municipality opted to take power with The sweden democrats. “

“In Sölvesborg kept the M and SD joint press conference in front of the banners by the parties both logos. Ago voted the Conservatives where, as in Hörby, until sverigedemokrater to lead the municipalities as municipal president. In Staffanstorp thanked M no to form alliansmajoritet and control today instead of SD. One of the first M-SD-decisions which was that the muslim or jewish children who wish to special diets in the school to get the no on this. “

“parliament has none of this happened. The two liberal parties have spoken out strongly and clearly taken a position against the setting of a right-wing party in an absolute utpressningsställning against any decision of a civil government to make.”

“Now may the pathway be tried again.”

“Then it is worth recalling why this position is so important to so many in Sweden. So important to actually no party, neither M or KD, before the election dared to expose to the after the election, was prepared to cooperate with The sweden democrats at any level. “

“the SD have, of course, the same conditions as all other parties. The mandate of the municipalities and the government in relation to how many who vote for them. They take place in the parliamentary committees and government investigations. But in order to get more power than their votes automatically provides them, have the other parties – as in Hörby or Staffanstorp – give them the power.”

“And then it is important to note that the SD is still not a party like other. The story is not uninteresting. It is no small piquant detail that Sweden’s third largest party was founded by people from the white power movement and a veteran of Hitler’s krigsdivisioner. It is a serious matter. In particular, the party also in the day constantly revealed accommodate the nazis and other extreme right-wing.”

“of course it’s also about what the party actually operates in the day. SD want to introduce angiverisystem if you suspect that your neighbor helps a refugee, restricting the aborträtten, that people should repatriate to where they ”should stay” (with Jimmie Åkessons words). “

“While the formation of the government lasted has sverigedemokrater submitted 535 motions in the Swedish parliament, with the requirement, inter alia, laws on how women dress, to gender-responsive activities in the preschool should be banned and that familjesmycken that refugees managed to bring with him from the war to be seized by the Swedish government at the border.”

“They have submitted a budget that cut 11 billion in Swedish aid. Their group leader in parliament – after the election – made statements that our country finds itself in ”an existential battle for our culture and our nation’s survival” where it comes to ”victory or death”. “

“Around in Europe, we see how the parties on the extreme right is given the power, and we see the consequences. The rule of law, independent media, freedom of association, women’s and minority rights are under attack. “

“It’s the same basic elements of democracy, which is under the threat of The sweden democrats gain power. “

“In the election campaign was the party to put down a radio station he liked. In cultural policy, to SD often make demands on organisations to promote what they define as american culture. In principprogrammet beats party held that same-sex couples should not have the right to adopt or inseminate as other couples. A leading sverigedemokrat has been revealed, with plans to want to rig the government to be able to weed out civil servants who do not like the party.”

“once Again: Nowhere may such a party the power of their own power. They get it only if the democratic parties to the right gives it to them. “

“So it looks in the story. So it looks around in Europe. So it looks in Staffanstorp and Sölvesborg. And that is what is at stake if the liberals in Sweden agree to form a government that requires the SD’s active support for every budget and every important decision.”

“It is frustrating that the formation of the government pulls out on time. But it is about something fundamental for many of us. That the Swedish conservatives and christian democrats locally collaborate with SD and that they are in parliament that is prepared to form a government with SD as regeringsunderlag is a betrayal of what they promised in the election campaign. “

“And as for the liberals, it should be just as impossible today as it was a couple of weeks ago to drop, until such a government.”

“It is when it is difficult that the principles be tested on the real. The green party will continue to stand for our promise. I will fight with every cell in my body for that racism does not receive the influence of a Swedish government.”

“nGustav Fridolin, spokesperson for the Miljöpartiet de gröna”

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