“Family reunification is not just a cost,”

“Replica from the CUF of the expenditure incurred for migration”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“REPLICA. Children learn better with their parents present in their lives. Young people have less risk of falling into criminality with the safety related related means. People integrate better into society if they are allowed to unite with their families.”

“In an op-ed criticizing Benjamin Dousa regeringsöverenskommelsen to include The proposal on family reunification, ”but to reduce costs”. Of course, it is good that we get a more transparent, more humane society, but it is inaccurate that we are not also pressed the government for reforms that will reduce government expenditure and improve the integration. “

“Among other things, has the Centre party received through the extensive labour market reforms that not only would some it easier for newcomers to come into work, but also directly reduce government spending.”

“the Proposals (C) have received through the saving of tax money during the coming mandate period are many. But when it comes to reunited must it is not only about dollars and cents. It is a good inclusion, and if people’s right to their family.”

“the Right to family reunification will primarily affect the syrians who have received an alternative protection status after 24 november 2015. The change relates mainly to people who have already received residence permits in Sweden and who have partners or children from outside the EU. “

“the Opportunity to be reunited with his family in Sweden is valid only if the relationship has been established previously and, in many cases, it is about women and children who will now be reunited with his makeu002Ffar in Sweden. “

“the Women and children who get the opportunity to come to Sweden and build a new life.”

“And like most people, perhaps especially those who want to call themselves liberals, we want the freedom to apply to all people.”

“nMagnus Ek, president of the CUF, member of parliament and the Centre party.”

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“the Article is a replica. Read the full the debate here – ”