There is hardly something worse as a Communist dictatorship, and fashion as an expression of individuality. But necessity is the mother of invention, and that is exactly what made the Ossi-parts finally, so unique, that even the Wessis cracks it. Over 90 percent of the East Germany produced, dresses have been exported. The people were abroad, just do not know, especially those in the FRG: So easy the labels were replaced to hide the true origin. The only oddities of various DDR Mode. Here are the fall of the wall anniversary is the most curious:

Pro-forma-store chain

keep up with fashion trends, in a planned economy, with multi-year plans, and lack of textiles? Difficult. Foreign clothes Dodge? In the GDR impossible. Clothes “Made in the territory of the Klassenfeinds” were officially banned. In order to keep the fashion-conscious, nevertheless, in good spirits, was founded the chain of stores, Exquisite. There was, at least, to buy reasonably stylish clothes, but they were so expensive that for a single part, fast half a month’s salary went on it.

The state as a fashion designer

For the young people considered the GDR-the Top of something Special: a collection specifically for you. The Slogan “youth fashion 68 – perky and colorful!” ‘d never suspect, but the state-designed parts were such a hit that they were sold out in no time.

Fast Fashion from paper

The government had to come up with something to satisfy the demand; on the protesters Teens / College girls, you could do without. The oblique solution: “trendy” dresses made of paper-like material. With around 10 Mark even for a Teenager, affordable and customizable: just the scissors in position and snap the skirt to the Mini. After five times washing, they were ready for the trash can, and the next trendy paper-clothes had to be found. Who would have thought that of all people in the GDR, Fast Fashion has been promoted!

Jeans as a provocation

The youth quickly realized that nothing is better to Rebel and Provoke as a pair of Jeans from the class enemy, the USA. Or as in 1972, the Hero of a play said: “denim is a setting, not pants.” Levi’s and Wrangler, were the fashionable contraband, no. 1. The party tried to counteract this and brought from 1978, own jeans brands on the market. They were called bison, Shanty or Boxer and not impressed the boys in the Least.

“leather” goods as protection against the rain

textiles made of natural fibers is either too expensive or not buy at all. So we began to develop Alternatives to man-made fibres such as polyester fabric has a Presence of 20 or Dederon made of polyamide. This almost everything could be tailored to shirts tights on costumes. However, the parts began to stink quickly, which is why the GDR-citizens is said to have always worn a lightweight welding based around. The leather copy of Lederol was also only moderately popular. There were also commercials little like “Are you dressed in Lederol, any Westerners envied you” or “Have you Lederol in the house, out you can even in the rain.”

blouses, curtains

Who had no desire, in the social bit compatible plastic Parts around that were cut are out of fashion, had to be creative themselves. Bed sheets, curtains, cloth diapers, or furniture covers, seams the fashion-conscious blouses, skirts, or Jackets and smuggled women’s magazines were from the West for inspiration. In almost every household sewing machine stand.

The government had nothing against do-it-yourself. There were state-sponsored sewing classes, and in every issue of the coveted GDR magazine “Sibylle”, also “East-Vogue” called a cutting pattern. Of course, the Designs were held under strict control, and it has not been taken to ensure that the Models posed to the West, or with short skirts. To show up top, half-naked, apparently, was less of a Problem, in contrast to the permissive are not promotional photos for GDR to explain Jeans.

Created: 12.11.2019, 14:18 PM