“Fewer inspectors – the tray is concerned”

“the Bad economy makes to the Swedish work environment authority must draw down on the number of inspectors.”

“the trade Union IF Metall’s chairman of the board Marie Nilsson is concerned by the news.”

“– It is absolutely the wrong way to go, ” she says and hope that there will be money to work in tomorrow’s budget.”

“the Swedish work environment authority has sounded the alarm to the government that the agency’s financial resources are not sufficient to keep up the same number of inspectors who now from 2020 and onwards. Should it be mean authority that it is required about 150 million in increased contributions to, and including 2022.”

“Therefore, already from this year started to reduce the workforce. The total is expected to be about 15 posts that are not filled when people leave or retire.”

“Pia Zätterström, tillsynschef on the Swedish work environment authority, mean that it will affect.”

“– When we become fewer inspectors so we can be out on jobs and make fewer inspections. It means that we get less opportunity to influence employers who do not want or can not follow the work environment act and the rules and regulations that apply to the workplace, ” she says.”

“Marie Nilsson, who is president of the IF Metall sees big risks with fewer inspections. She believes that this is an important issue for her members, in terms of security in the workplace.”

” Four out of ten of our members say that they should at any time during the year had been afraid of getting hurt on the job, this applies particularly to young people.”

“According to Nilsson can be fewer inspectors lead to important health and safety at work is suffering, and that the necessary measures are not implemented.”

“the Risk is that you do not have the time to work systematically with the environment,” she says.”

“tomorrow, The present minister of finance Magdalena Andersson (S) the government’s budget, which has been developed in cooperation with the Centre party and the Liberals.”

“Marie Nilsson hope that there will be more resources into the work environment there.”

“– It is a hugely important issue so I hope that you actually prioritize.”

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