“Filling in and angrily about feminism gone too far”

“Joanna Williams has points but make it easy on yourself”

“What is feminism? In my world, is on the one hand, a struggle for fair conditions, and an extended struggle for all to be the people in the first place, women men black white, hetero and homo, etc etc in the other hand. A successful feminism, abolition eventually himself.”

“This definition is broad, it is allowed. But when the british Joanna Williams takes on a feminism she considers superfluous broadens her concept even more. And, of course, convinced that avskaffningens time is here. In her book is all about women and feminism. Thus, she can both bark at the requirements for the use of quotas for company boards (fight for arbetarkvinnor instead, I completely agree with) and on the young generation jagfixering and the politics of identity (as if the feminists were the only ones there).”


“Williams is doing it with other words too easy for themselves, which also makes her book easy to criticize. But she also has some thoughtful points. She analyzes feminism’s history of largely positive way. Up to the present day, therefore, and to the book, summarized it something like this: ”Feminism and kvinnokamp has done much good, but now it is enough for there is nothing to whine over. I had a longer to school than you, young spoiled snowflakes to the feminists.””

“A generation gap is written with other words. Williams mixes with care together intersectionality with identity politics, and analysis with activism. To take into account more variables than class, and gender does not mean with necessity to close themselves in their little group. I can of course also understand that it looks as if identitetspolitiska moves dominate the feminist debate. Therefore, they are visible, transmitted in the infinite and makes us horrified the passage of flocktänkande stupidity.”


“Williams is correct in that there is also a nykonservatism, sometimes marries the feminist movement which can be seen in the discussion of the samtyckeslagstiftningen. Her obsession with women portray themselves as victims is not all that provocative – offerpositionen does not follow with necessity of a group complain of injustice.”

“Williams writes filling, tendentious, and with an angry energy that is captivating. Perhaps she has the right in any analysis of society – her main topics are women’s success in the education system and the setting of wages (the latter simplification, however, greatly). But unfortunately she is jerky with the facts, yourself have time I only read to page 15 when I see the first faktafelet.”

“Where type Williams speaking of education in Sweden since 1998, is expected to work against gender stereotypes. It is true, in principle, well and good, and Williams refers to an article in The Guardian about genusförskolor. Then she continues: ”Teachers are encouraged to use the gender-neutral introduced the ‘hen’ in order to avoid the spread of sexist assumptions.””


“These are the facts taken from the same article, and is, therefore, still on the genusförskolor, something that Williams does not pretend. She makes it look as if Swedish teachers are forced to use hen – all has gone too far, all are too sensitive, where are we going.”

“such A slip of the makes that we still Need feminism? losing heavily in credibility, which it also does when the feminist sources she uses, basically is downloaded from the 1970 – and 80-century radical feminism, and from various celebs statements in questions about women and men.”

“Well, to her defence must nevertheless be said that she is working according to its goals and succeed quite well with it. “

“we still Need feminism?”

“Trans. Elizabeth Flodin and Mia Ruthman”