“Finland voting on profits in welfare”

“Sweden, the horrors of the election campaign”

“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”

“After four years with the most bourgeois government of Finland seen so have our neighbours in the east had enough. On Sunday the parliamentary elections and all the opinion polls indicate that the social democrats become the largest party. “

“According to the Finnish political tradition will in such cases, the social democrat Antti Rinne to get form the government.”

“Storreform went bankrupt.”

“He promises better pensions, health care guarantee and more money to secondary and vocational education. The Finnish left is carried forward by a deep dissatisfaction with the nedskärningspolitik as the Centre party, national Coalition party and the Blue of the future context. Public sector wages have been reduced, trade unions have trained, unemployed benefits have deteriorated. According to a survey by the Finnish national Institute for health and welfare did recently have the basic security deteriorated for many finns.”

“in Addition, work to get to the two major reforms – one on health and one of the country’s administration – preyed on the number of votes cast. The so-called care – and landskapsreformen were not so easy to reconcile with the constitution, and in march resigned the government.”

“But the centrist party wanted to divide the country into 18 eighteen landscape that would have the responsibility for the care. The coalition has wanted to do about health care to a market with the system of choice, as it does in Sweden. There, finns have not been particularly interested in. The Swedish model with the gain in welfare and vanvårdsprofit has not rarely been present as a deterrent example.”

“For the Swedish parties offers the Finnish elections also some lessons on how to handle the right-wing extremists.”

“When the right-wing populist true finns party were admitted into the government in 2015 so resonerades it around that the party would be tamed by the exercise of power by government seriously. So, it was not. Some plunged the party’s support, but when party leader and minister for foreign affairs, mr Timo Soini resigned so chose the party’s uncompromising grassroots rather than radical Jussi Halla-aho, previously convicted for incitement to racial hatred, to the new leader. The manoeuvre triggered a crisis in government in 2017, which was taught as the True finns ministers formed a new party, Blue future, which could carry the government.”

“today, a more radical true finns to become the country’s second largest party. Blue future will most likely not enter in the parliament. The demand for a more moderately right-wing extremist are simply not there.”