“Flumhögern want to control both you and Sweden,”

“Do the politics of fear”

“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”

“There are hardly any politicians who cares if you feel sad, jealous or anxious. But do you feel unsafe as there is soon to be a politician around the corner who wants to take your fears ”very seriously”. And the time makes the politics of those feelings are right.”

“you question whether you feel safe, will be the answer from all of more in Sweden that they feel unsafe. In some local surveys in the country to see how the perceived insecurity is increasing much faster than the number of recorded crimes, which in some cases reduces. How safe you feel you can therefore just as well be a result of the news you consume and a fear – which in some cases may be completely unwarranted. But why do our two parties are so keen to do politics of fear?”

“Called ”trygghetskameror””

“of course It is nothing new that politicians will with quick suggestions that should make us feel protected. But the policy should be grounded in research seems to be too much to ask. Under the tab ”security” on the Conservatives website, the requirements on the stricter punishment and more surveillance cameras. At the same time, everything is pointing in that stronger punishment is ineffective if you want to come to the crime, and surveillance cameras give not fewer violent crimes in public places. In Gothenburg call the Moderates, the Liberals and the Christian democrats, of course, for the ”trygghetskameror”.”

“But it is not just the right wing that hangs on the trygghetstrenden. Correspondingly, the bland slogan for the election was ”security in a new era”. But the left must be careful not to latch on to fear, the rhetoric, in any case, if we are to believe the american research. In the united states, psychologists have namely examined those who vote conservative, respectively, liberal. It turns out that conservatives are more anxious and räddhågsna – the more threatened you feel, the greater the risk is that you go to the right politically.”

“Win on to defame”

“this way, the right has everything to gain from defaming the community more than necessary, you make unwarranted fear and then come up with equally unjustified but simple solutions to problems you didn’t even know existed. No one should have to feel insecure, but the question is what really adds to the experience. The feeling of security may be about to have a job, a living wage, access to health care, and politicians who takes climate change seriously. “

“the Right often accuse the left of being emotional and ”all fun”. Now it turns out that it is the right that let your emotions rule.”