Zero tolerance looks different: As Francis, Australian cardinal George Pell of 2014, according to Rome, sought, informed him of this, his investigation because of coverup over. Nevertheless, Pope Francis made him prefect of the Vatican economic Secretariat. As the court in Melbourne has sentenced Pell in December due to child abuse, dismissed him Francis from the Kardinalsrat. Now, where the judgment was public, not shared with the Vatican on Twitter, Pell whose financial was no longer chief. You will now open a Church legal process.

in The case of Pell, for example, indicates that the Pope and the Vatican in the case of accused high-ranking would react-makers on state Intervention. Would Pell have not been dragged before the court, he would probably be still in office.

Currently, the case of Gustavo Zanchetta catches up with Pope Francis, whom he had appointed in the year 2013 with the Bishop of the Argentine diocese of Oran. As Zanchetta 2017 left his diocese over night, called him, Pope Francis on a specially created Post in the Vatican freight management. The newspaper “El Tribuno” reported that the Vatican had known since 2015 by Gustavo Zanchettas Attacks on seminarians. She has just published an official document, according to which the cell phone pornographic Material with young men as well as Nude Selfies of the Bishop were found.

whirlpool of scandals

Still another case of abuse charged to the Pope in his homeland. As President of the Argentine Bishop’s conference he had for the charismatic priest Julio Cesar Grassi, a discharge report will be elaborated. Grassi was sentenced in 2009 to 15 years in prison, because he had passed in his orphanages on children.

in January 2018, the Chilean Bishop Juan Barros, due to the cover-up had to resign, you can not stop Francis from the whirlpool of scandals. In the summer, the former US Nuncio Carlo Maria Viganò accused him of, since 2013, of the misconduct of the former Washington Archbishop Theodore McCarrick of Minors and seminarians known to him but, nevertheless, encouraged. In Italy, the appointment of Mario Delpini falls back, currently the Archbishop of Milan to Francis. Of the accused for a long time, to have as Bishop a abuse priest and then of the young in the divided offset.

is silent a Lot of loose ends from its predecessors,

all of these cases, Francis. The Vatican point is expressed only on the outer pressure according to the judgment against Pell, and possibly soon also in the case of the cardinal Philippe Barbarin of Lyon. On 7. March will publish the court judgment against barbarian due to non-display of (stale) Attacks.

How long can sit out Francis these cases? Thanks to its reform course, and his devotion to the poor, enjoys this Pope, as before, of large sympathies. He himself had begun his pontificate with a completely different program, as it is dictated to him now. He has certainly inherited in the handling of sexual violence a lot of loose ends from its predecessors. He is, however, involved far more in the cover-up of such cases, as he admits.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 28.02.2019, 20:57 PM