In August 2004, hoping the DN’s unsigned column Åsiktsmaskinen that global warming would make the weather better: ”What is needed is a mass movement speeded the greenhouse effect. If everyone in the Stockholm area tomgångskör their cars, buses and lawnmowers nonstop in a couple of weeks, and use very very ozondödande deodorant and hair spray, maybe we can fix the decent weather before the kräftskivorna.” It was almost as irresponsible on the part of the DN to publish the text as it was of me to write it.

for many years I didn’t the climate change issue seriously. I laughed about the ”South Park”episode from 2006 in which Al Gore shows up and warns of Manbearpig, a creature that is ”half man, half bear, half pig” (and has been found on the former presidential candidate that he shall appear as a hero).

Sometimes mocked I acquaintances that are committed to the environment. Once when my friend Metal-Christoffer showed his separation, I called him ”hippie”. ”It is important to sort the garbage”, said Metal Christoffer. ”The plastic that is thrown directly in the garbage is burned and gives rise to greenhouse gases…” ”WAIT!” I exclaimed with disneyprinsessig voice and raised a hyssjande finger. ”I think I hear something. OH, YES! It is blomsterbarnen! The flower children! They want us to listen to them. They are here to teach us to take care of the planet!”

stupid chronicle where I warned that ”the hysterical tone of this year’s environmental movement will lead to a backlash”. In the summer, I realized, with shame, the redness (or, more accurately, its sweat) on the cheeks, the tone not even been near enough hysterically. I decided to do something, anything to soothe my bad conscience, so I began belatedly to remove the plastic from the garbage.

”I go out with the plastic,” I say now a couple of times a week for my family – much like the other say they go out with the dog. Then I go to the recycling station with my bag and when I empty it, I think this recycled mjölkkapsylen, tandkrämstuben or tuschpennan probably has little importance for mankind’s survival. But I’m not giving up. Not even when a friend sends a picture from an online bookshop where my krönikesamling ”242” suddenly ended up next to the new age author Paulo coelho’s ”Hippie”.

to be ashamed of my previous skepticism. Manbearpig recently made a comeback in the ”South Park” and this time the monster no fantasifoster without a best chewing on half the town. Despite the fact that the blood spurting in cascades doubt many of Manbearpigs existence. ”Everyone has an agenda. All make use of the fear of Manbearpig for their own purposes,” says a man to his wife. ”You must think for yourself, darling. And if Manbearpig does exist… what should we do about it? The chinese will only continue AAARGHH (he gets eaten)”.

instead of stopping, the monster will be a ”When should I start worrying about me?”-seminar where a participant concludes that they are not ”going to waste any more time on that underestimate the importance of start to think about to bother us.”

It turns out that Manbearpig is a demon that the older generation made a faustiskt agreements with in exchange for sports cars and ice cream. The original sin has been rarely illustrated better.

to go out with the plastic. And I try to avoid shopping for anything other than used books and vinyls. It is best to be environmentally conscious is that I don’t need to have bad conscience if I burn several thousand on a skivbörs.

Read more chronicles of Fredrik Strage , for example, to recognize himself in his grandmother’s tears.