the television event of the year. In six weekly episodes of the struggle for power in the fictional Kingdom of Westeros comes to an end. Various fight the Power, the alliances are constantly changing, bloody, it always remains.

it all Began on 17. April 2011 with the broadcast of the first Episode of the Fantasy series based on the novel series “A Song of Ice and Fire” by George R. R. Martin. By HBO under the title of “Game of Thrones” series produced a hit with the public and critics immediately.

The Figures: up to now, 67 32.8 million viewers follow the last on all platforms, a total of 45 Emmys (the TV Oscars). But also 186 Deaths 330 of the important characters of the series (and hardly anybody died of course), again and again discussions due to the dramatic presentation of violence and Sex.

Now, when the end seam is of interest to the many Fans, the only question is: Who conquered at the end of the contested Iron throne? Who will be shortly slain in front of the goal? Or the world is destroyed at the end of the White walkers, the invaded from the North, the continent of Westeros, with an army of the undead? The answers there at the latest on 19. May 2019. Then the very last episode airs.

Actually, there can only be one. Since the very first season the “mother of dragons” favorite. She plans on retaking the throne that once belonged to her father, the “Mad King”, by a long and prudent. Beyond the seas, on the continent of Essos, collects troops, advisors, and learn responsibility for government. She works from a to a wild tribe of the Prince of the waste acherten wife to the Regent, can be brutal (execution by Grilling by the dragons), but it also shows responsibility and compassion (liberation of slaves). Against you only a little, in fact: her victory would be too obvious and too boring for “Game of Thrones”. But who or what will stop you?

Since the Finale of the seventh season, we know what a feeling a lot of Fans: Jon is a Targaryen, a Scion of the old Royal family. Prince Rhaegar Targaryen got her pregnant and married – secretly, but legally – Jons mother, Lyanna Stark, which makes the supposed Bastard of the heir to the throne. However, Jon’s crowning glory is too obvious. In a series like “Game of Thrones”, where Twists large it will also be posted, probably to the fact that Jon managed to get the throne, but is slain. Especially since he died already once. Fan-favourite Jon Snow, so it’s a matter of fact, back at the end in the crypt.

The Evil. Smiling you to bring your friends and enemies, kills with a poisoned kiss, or a bomb (Wildfire), the chasing a whole Cathedral in the air. They break contracts and promises and begets children with her brother. That is, even for “Game of Thrones”-conditions too much. No, not a throne for Cersei. But a very spectacular death.

In the first season Jon Snow asks the dwarf Tyrion why he reads so much. This answer: “My brother has his sword, king Robert has his war hammer and I have my mind … and a mind needs books like a sword on the whetstone.” Tyrion is not only one of the most popular characters of the series, but also one of the wisest. And kings should not be way? In addition, he has as a “Hand” of kings, government experience, and is well on his way in the course of the series from the SOT to the tactician, but never loses the Well-being of subjects from the eye. What relates to the job profile, Tyrion is a top candidate.

“Sansa, Sansa, Sansa”, maintains the brothel owner and schemer Littlefinger whisper who loves the Redhead out of the house Stark, and at the same time, great suffering harm. No had to so down like you, she was in a relationship with the two most terrible men in the series, which she sadistically abused. But she survived everything, and the impulsivity of the others could actually bring to the throne. Finally, it proved in the seventh season, in the absence of the king in the North, government qualities. The only Problem: you don’t believe yourself yet.

Sansa’s sister Arya has a year-long Odyssey through all the environments of Westeros. It is characterised by an unwavering sense of justice, and pragmatic and unsentimental. As one of sympathy for the makers of the series, you would also have the blessing of the audience. But, like Tyrion, she has no army, no dragons, no Wildfire. The throne she mounts only, if Daenerys & co. to neutralize each other, and Sansa into the Grass biting. What is not in “Game of Thrones” far-fetched.

Gendry? The blacksmith, disappears sometimes for whole seasons, has not the reputation of all the other characters. But be careful: He is a Royal Bastard, is being hunted because of that. And does not turn away from the captors again and again, where, you know, whether with skill or naivety. Well possible, that he to the throne by winds.

The longer the series the more it reminds you of the “Lord of the rings”. Good against Evil, light against dark, man against Zombies (Orc). Because you can only hope that the end will be similar to cheesy: a Royal wedding after a few epic battles. A way for authors to avoid such a final is a victory of the Night King. It would also be a end in the style of the Beginning of the series, unexpected, and dark. And: The Night King is sometimes read as a metaphor for climate change: the uncanny threat is ignored for too long, because the people kären dear to each other. What sinks for a bolder conclusion: The Night King on the Iron throne, Westeros 1000 years in darkness! However, for most viewers, this scenario is likely to be unsatisfactory. Furthermore Thrones “Creator George Martin has promised”a “bitter-sweet” end. As the Night King must be gebodigt.

Bittersüss? The second youngest son of the house would be the best candidate. We remember: He was a bright Boy who climbed the walls of the castle Winterfell high – until he was brought by Jamie and Cersei Lannister-by-case and the cripple was made. His inner transformation began: On long trips in the North he became the three-eyed Raven, a seer who can read in other people. A common Fantheorie says, he was the mysterious Night King. As far as we would go. But he seems to be a very ambivalent character, the ignored friends and enemies, stoic and hide a lot. Perfect for a bitter sweet end.

One of the recurring Slogans in the epic Break the Wheel “is”, by breaking the cycle. It is quite possible that someone from the ranks of the Upright conquered the throne and then the democracy in the seven king exclaims. Another scenario, in which no one sits on the throne, is more pessimistic: in The end, all are dead. Only dragon Drogon is circling lonely on the burned Land …

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 31.03.2019, 07:11 PM