“Gift cards are worthless after the bankruptcy: ”Feel cheated””
“Five days before christmas, bought Sven Ståhl gift certificate for 2 000 crowns to their great-grandchildren on the BR. Now that is a christmas gift useless. The group Top-Toy has gone bankrupt and no longer accepts gift cards. “
“– He is the ensampensionär and have it not fortunate, ” says Johanna Berglind, a mother to the children. “
“On Friday, employees at BR-Toys and Toys R Us the news that the group Top-Toy has gone bankrupt and that the shops should close. “
the “BR on Drottninggatan shopping street in Stockholm was empty and shut down several hours before the regular closing time, despite mellandagsrean. “
“the Escalator was the only thing in the store that otherwise looked to have been left in haste. Inslagspapper lay in piles helter-skelter on the floor. “
“gift cards are worthless”
“the Bankruptcy means not just the closed stores and employees, that may go on the day. It also means that all gift vouchers sold on the BR and Toys R Us until now is totally useless. “
“Johanna Berglinds children got a gift card for 2000 sek of its gammelmorfar Sven Ståhl. “
“– Now you can not use the gift card. To cancel a gift card which they sold just a few days before christmas… after all it is theft. Of course, there is no other word for it, ” says Johanna Berglind, a mother to the children. “
“Sven Ståhl is retired and has not plenty of money, but wanted to give a gift that the children could choose for themselves and have a use for. “
“– He is jätteupprörd and very sad. It is very much money for us, more than what we could put together on our three children. It is horrible. You feel tricked, ” says Johanna Berglind. “
“Changed the broken toy – got a worthless gift cards”
“Several readers have contacted the newspaper Aftonbladet and talked about gift cards for the thousands of dollars that they can just as easily be toss in the trash. “
“A reader writes that his son now can no longer buy something for their gift cards. Another to grandma’s christmas gift is no longer something worth and a third received a gift card as compensation for a broken toy on Friday – a few hours later was not worth more than any piece of paper anywhere. “
“Gives no money in return”
“the 53 stores will be open until the end of the year in Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Iceland, says Lars Bo Kirk, presstalesperson at Top-Toy to Ekstrabladet. “
“– the Bankruptcy means among other things that we do not give any money in return and that the gift cards and BR sparmärken, unfortunately, is worthless, ” says Lars Bo Kirk to the newspaper.”
“It is still possible to exchange an item in any of the shops that are open. Toys R Us at the Mall of Scandinavia is one of the business and the customer Yvonne Romanek was there with her daughter, Julia, Romanek on Friday night. “
” We did not know that they have gone bankrupt until now. It is a pity. We usually shop here, ” says Yvonne Romanek. “
“”Feels like a fulspel””
“Many readers are also outraged that BR and Toys R Us continued to sell their gift certificates until christmas.”
“– this will not come as a shock to the company when an entire chain is not konkar over a night. They continued to sell gift cards, despite their knowledge of what that would feel like a fulspel from the group in order to get out every penny in the run, a woman says to Aftonbladet. “
“Lars Bo Kirk at Top-Toy regret in Ekstrabladet, that it became who they became with the, now useless, gift vouchers. “
“– One can always be wise after the event. It is regrettable, he says to Ekstrabladet. “
“Employees at the BR and Toys R Us that Aftonbladet has been in contact with the testify of the staff who have been crying, been told that it was not worth the will to work any more and if a dejected and confused mood in the workplace. “
“But outwardly, it is quiet – from both Top-Toys management in the stores. “
“– We may not say anything, an employee said to Aftonbladet. “
“Aftonbladet have searched Top-Toys presstalesperson via telephone, email and text messages. “
“the Facts Top Toys bankruptcy”
“the Stores in Sweden that are open to the 31u002F12”
“the Whole list of all the open shops in the nordic countries can be found here. “